Joseph-Kass Tomaras

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Joseph-Kass Tomaras

Transfeminine author, literary translator, and sufferable pedant. Messenger of divine wrath and sleepy times.

DMs open to people I follow only. Group DMs use Signal: raconteuse.22
Without downloading new pics, describe your gender in one image
Without downloading new pics, describe your gender in one image
I agree with this, regarding the murkiness, which is why I think it's quite defensible for people to question the ethics of, say, JB working for the Times, even though I am not convinced it would be helpful for him to step down.
Snow White voice: 🎶 Someday my prince will come... 🎶
Just. Think for a second here about how this has been framed, as “trans women are getting punished for being racist.” Now think about how many examples of trans women being racist you’ve been shown vs. examples of people being transphobic. And ask yourself WHY you’re so sure that framing is honest.
CW: transphobia THIS is what people on this website are supporting right now. THIS is the sort of thing that people are saying *is not* transmisogyny. THIS is what trans women are supposedly “racist” for calling out. For fuck’s sakes LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING SAID TO US before you pick your sides here
Hi, are you my doppelganger? Because this was my exact experience, too
Something bothered me about last night's wedding. Out of more than 100 attendees, NP and I were the only ones masking. But not just that. (1/n)
NP kept having conversations like this: Person: What do you do for work? NP: I'm a scientist researching the ecology of infectious diseases. Person: Oh, that's very timely. Not one of those people went on to ask: "I see you and Kass are wearing masks. Should I think about doing that?" (2/n)
This was a mostly left to liberal crowd. The bride and groom are journalists for outlets in that part of the spectrum. The groom is a white dude from the south, and a member of his family alluded to "political debates with family." But we mostly talked to the bride's family and friends. (3/n)
In short, the sort of people who put "In this house we believe science is real" signs in front of their suburban homes, or who rant in their broiling Brooklyn or LA apartments about climate denial. Rather than ask a scientist with relevant expertise if they should change behavior, they evaded. (4/5)
If H5N1 evolves human-to-human transmission, we're cooked. (5/5)
...but one of them might get a guest editorial byline out of it along the way, and isn't that all that matters?
I agree. I think the major difference is that academia is more profitable than journalism, despite the nominal non-profit status of the former. Which makes it more likely that even some elite workers are being exploited rather than incorporated into the ranks of the profiteers.
Bobolinks are the Stravinsky of birds.
Here's a bobolink shot from May that I never got around to posting. #birds
I know a lot of weird bullshit losers from Ohio and most of you seem pretty cool. But the cool ones keep moving to other states...
I would tentatively agree, but the economics of the two industries is very different.
Very few academics are paid well enough to be said to "receive some of that profit". Does a line worker at Tesla receive profit from the sales of cars, or wages for the labor of their production?
Tnure and academic freedom allow some academics to critique their institutions w/o risking jobs. JB cannot criticize the material role of his NYTimes colleagues and bosses without risking his job. By some people's understanding, then, the only honorable course of action would be to take the risk.
Those are both good reasons to be in a good mood.
My 14 year old self would be disappointed that I hadn't earned a PhD in Mathematics, even more disappointed that I have no PhD in any field and that I don't code anymore. On the other hand, they would think I'm hot and be impressed by how many languages I know. Hard to say...
"Would your 14 year old self be proud of you?" I don't be seeking the approval of virgins who spend all their money on Magic cards so I have no idea
amab socialization is how cis people call ptsd
Update: NP's mother and I ended up wearing very similar outfits. And there was no risk of anyone upstaging the bride, she's gorgeous.
Tonight NP and I are attending the wedding of one of their childhood friends. This is the first wedding I am attending as an out trans woman. Weddings pose an interesting challenge: how to look absolutely flawless, and still not upstage the bride.
Tonight NP and I are attending the wedding of one of their childhood friends. This is the first wedding I am attending as an out trans woman. Weddings pose an interesting challenge: how to look absolutely flawless, and still not upstage the bride.
Dril as Bible, the ear deflection tweet is getting canonized like the Book of Revelation.
My girlfriend: "Just until I get my face." Meanwhile she's permanently exhausted and has back problems.
I recently recontextualized some unpleasant childhood experiences and had an a-ha moment. Not fun...
People will be like "trans women had such easy privileged childhoods" and then you actually bother to look at the supposed "privileged childhoods" in question and it's just
Do you know what it feels like to face bombing around tents where you live and you don't know where to take your children to save them 😥😟! My sister speaks to me 😪 I wish I can do something for them 😥😥
Thank tou. I wasn't plugged in enough to be aware of that.
Chirpy little bitch got what was coming to it.