Joseph-Kass Tomaras

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Joseph-Kass Tomaras

Transfeminine author, literary translator, and sufferable pedant. Messenger of divine wrath and sleepy times.

DMs open to people I follow only. Group DMs use Signal: raconteuse.22
May the name Anne-Laurence Petel be remembered as an enabler of fascism.
What could have happened today if more candidates who came in 3rd had refused to drop out? Hint of an answer in the city of Aix. Here, the Macronist candidate refused to drop out. As a result, no front vs the far-right. Result: RN wins with 37%. Left at 36%. Macronists 27%.
"What seemed farcical when it was announced or staged as a big production, became a tragedy when it was allowed to go on quietly."
I wrote about why Marx's famous phrase "first time as tragedy, second time as farce" is wholly inadequate to make sense of the way farce often seems as just a precursor to tragedy these days.
Farce Before Tragedy: The Post-Satire
This is, as far as I am concerned, the only acceptable use of crypto.
Cryptocurrencies are one of the ways we are able to receive funds in Gaza 🙏🏼
people will vote for trump because even though they’re much more likely to benefit from one of the social welfare programs he wants to gut, they think they could one day be an unrepentant asshole who tells lies without consequences and runs the world.
Today was the 4th anniversary of my first dose of Estradiol. It was also the first anniversary of my first date with GF.
Just drafted an 800 word commissioned article for [redacted]
"When small men cast large shadows, it is a sure sign that the sun is setting"
I am so delighted to be here for this!
Chappell Roan helps create a historic moment for Billboard this week, when "Casual" joins Billie Eilish's "Lunch" to make two simultaneous charting singles about lesbian cunnilingus
Since NP moved in I have prepared all our shared dinners. So far, these have been: - cavolo nero and cannellini beans in a tomato broth thickened with bread - my tzatziki, served with bread and lox - tostadas with black beans, tinga (for me) or fried egg (them), greens, avocado, chipotle, and papalo
NP and I are a mixed household. I am a experimental composition as background sounds girl, and they are a podcast as background NB.
"Unter a ployt" ("At the Foot of a Fence" in my translation), by Der Nister
There should have been an ornamental hermit guild Apprentice hermits, journeyman hermits, master hermits
Back in the early to mid 2010s there was this view that you should gently convince right wingers to believe in climate science and my response was always: "a right wing that believes the science is scarier than one that denies it" WELP HERE WE ARE
Far right using climate crisis as bogeyman to frighten voters and build higher walls | Jonathan It is no coincidence that ever more extreme politics has come at a time of ever more extreme weather
Traveling solo as a trans woman is googling "is X safe for trans women" and getting "X is very safe for wealthy white gay men"
"He's a thin-skinned cis-het white male academic who thinks he's a leftist... but I repeat myself!"
We need more posts like these, of trans people (especially trans women) describing in excruciating detail how their native countries suck for us. So that we don't all die trying to jump from the frying pan into the fire.
Norway hates trans people Injections? Fuck off Prog? Eat shit Electrolysis? Haha no Laser then? Nope, IPL 7 times Non binary? Fuck you, you get nothing PPT? 10 cm penile inversion by a transphobe who botches 1/5 surgeries only Informed consent? Go die, we follow SEGM I could go on and on and on
Mask-off moments matter precisely because the mask is coming off. Yes, the malefactor was doing bad things before he took the mask off. The removal of the mask, however, means that he now has enough co-conspirators in powerful enough positions that he can openly pull off what was formerly hidden.
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you? (Yes, I'll be the hottest dish in the Chinese restaurant, but you'll be a close second.)
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
I’m jamal from gaza with haiah Always she sleeps by side of my leg , you can support us evacuate and rebuild our life
The Genderqueer Genius has officially moved in with me, so I can simplify my recurring dramatis personae. They are now Nesting Partner, or NP for short. Girlfriend is still Girlfriend, or GF for short. The Big Ex shall simply be known as Ex. Kids 1 and 2 shall always be.
I just saw someone unironically use #ButHisGenocide and like please get a literal grip
In Constitutional America, the Reichstag burns you!
🪡 the questions remaining are are centrist voters gonna follow macron into that moral desolation? i have little hopes enough of them that the far right doesn't get enough seats to make a government? possibly. two days ago i would have said very likely but i'm not sure now at all. 🪡✂️
The first time I went to a lesbian sex party, the woman flogging me encouraged me to breathe from my diaphragm. She could tell from my response that I was nervous that my moans would come from the depths of my vocal register. So she said, "You are beautiful and you belong here."
TRANS GIRL TWO YEARS ON HRT GOING TO A LESBIAN EVENT FOR THE FIRST TIME: Am I allowed here? am I just a fetishist intruding in women’s spaces? Oh god- everyone knows I don’t belong, they’re going to hate me CIS GUY CHANGING HIS IDENTITY TO ‘WOMAN’: dude i’m gonna get so much pussy lmao
My look for the Queer Liberation March earlier today
I always knew Joe Biden would sell out trans people, but if he makes it impossible for Kid 1 to get his top surgery in a futile effort to placate the NYTimes, I will have flames coming out of my ears.
From now on when folks ask what I mean by "gentry trash" I'm just going to send them this image. Like this photo just evicted most of your street to flip it into airbnbs.
Newsom when he was San Francisco mayor with then-wife K. Guilfoyle, who is now DJTjr's girlfriend. Really.
What's your favorite black and white movie?
what is your favorite black and white movie?
PKD envisioned a future in which we’d all do a lot of drugs to escape a depressing shared reality and invent alternate identities for ourselves Welp
I think the reason Philip K Dick is still the predominant SF writer of the last century is, he was the only one who foresaw a future where everything would be boring, inconvenient and dehumanising, and where the only way you can win is to somehow refuse to give up your humanity.
This thread made me cry.
Thinking abt the 29yo tgirl I got tattoos with yesterday Was married and had a kid in North Carolina, but she transitioned and lost her job, wife, and child Somehow managed to stay sober through all that Says anime saved her life when no one else was there for her Got a Pokemon tattoo Love her
If I don't know you and you're coming after someone on my mentions you'd better bring receipts and context, not allusions to something you heard about on Xitter.