
Stephen Miller and Donald Trump have promised to deport 15 million people. Miller himself compared their plan's scope to the construction of the Panama Canal, and its ruthlessness to Israel’s invasion of Gaza. They couldn’t be any clearer about what they intend.
Trump's deportation The former president's vow to deport 15 million people is the cruelest, most illiberal, most openly authoritarian campaign promise in modern U.S. history. Oh, and it would also destroy the economy.
Explaining that Gaza is the American far-right's policy aspiration with the Mexico border is often met with "you're just being paranoid." Even by people who are politically engaged. Meanwhile, GOP lawmakers have said they would like to bomb Mexico. They want to build a wall. Etc.
Expansion of the US Border on the pretext of border insecurity? It's been done before. Sounds a little like Putin's false claim against Ukraine. We all know how much trump listens to Putin.
Do they address at all the consequences of removing 15 million workers from the economy?
I remember the cages of immigrants and the families broken up. Anybody else?