Rafael Marcondes

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Rafael Marcondes


EEB faculty-fellow at Rice University. Equally passionate about research and teaching. The great avian evolutionary tradition. Pics of my cat, Rosalind Franklin. 🇧🇷
Lost amidst all the snark and recriminations is the fact that we just lived through one of those times when the whole course of history hinged on random knife's edge. Love or hate him. Pretty crazy to think about.. www.instagram.com/reel/C9hkH32...
Celso Marçal on Instagramwww.instagram.com 2 likes, 0 comments - celsoomarcal on July 17, 2024
On a 9 hr overnight intercontinental flight and can’t sleep, AMA
Well this is a new one: received manuscript reviews just as i boarded a 9 hr overnight intercontinental flight. (Thankfully, at first glance they look fair and relatively straightforward to address)
First NSF proposal as lead PI is in! It was even more work than i expected it to be, but I’m pretty damn proud of it and i feel like just submitting it is a huge victory! 🎉🥳 Grant gods, if you’re reading this, please think kindly about me!!!! 🤞🏽🍀🙏🏽
Rice, though it’s in perhaps the quintessential Red State, is an amazingly diverse institution in all aspects, and I’ve been constantly mind blown by how smart, involved, kind and committed to social justice its students are. Please support them if you can!
Max doesn't know anything about US politics at all
Superficial vasculature of the face, cheek and ear, from Britannica. The temporal arteries and veins feed the area of the scalp near the temple. Temple and temporal derive from Latin, 'tempora', which means "side of the forehead", likely from a PIE root that means "stretched".
The thing that's most baffling to me about emails from predatory journals is that often they seem like they're TRYING on purpose to be poorly-written and broken.
Omg goodbye Texas I’m moving away NAO
Even if you're well acclimatized to the wild climate of Texas there is always the possibility of a fresh hell. Today's? A home invasion of red fire ants. Yes, IN the home. Biting everyone + everything in their path. Kitchen, bedroom, and a river of them down the hall. Inside the house.
I also really need to know that! I use the default one in the iPhone, which often doesn't even get the CURRENT weather right. Like, I'll be at a place and it'll be cloudy and raining and it'll say "Sunny". Most alternatives that I've tried are way too heavy and slow to load.
Friends, what's the best weather app these days?
Pointing again at my US Blue State Challenge. If you live in a "blue state", pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and find a group in that state working on that issue and support them.
One thing I don’t understand is why, when people are outraged by some injustice or affront — like book bans — they don’t first look to see who is already tracking the issue, who’s already working on education + organization. “We need to do something!” People *are*. Find them. Help them.
THIS. 10000X THIS. Just spitballing outta the top of my head, and idk if they accept donations directly, but the Rice U queer student org does amazing work and offered honorary membership to all TX public uni school students after Abott and the legislature banned DEI.
Pointing again at my US Blue State Challenge. If you live in a "blue state", pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and find a group in that state working on that issue and support them.
Shout-out to Freedom Oklahoma, who have been fighting hard for 2SLGBTQ+ folks in OK and are my go-to rec when people ask about red-state groups to support:
And if you're doing the Blue State Challenge, feel free to talk up any Red State groups you're supporting that want that kind of exposure. On any/all your platforms. It can make a difference in a lot of ways.
Freedom Oklahomawww.freedomoklahoma.org Freedom Oklahoma
You think you’re tired of US politics? Well EVERYONE in Brazil keeps asking me if I think Biden should quit
are there predators or water conditions that would damage ONLY the operculum, not the shell, of intertidal snails? Finding many that look totally healthy except damaged/frayed/broken opercula. 🧪 #snailsky #marine #intertidal
Sometimes I still think about BethAnn McLaughlin
My first week of work in the kellylab at UW has been great! I am very excited to be working in a group of likeminded people. A lot to learn in a new system 🐋and a lot to see in a new region 🦆🏔 Let's get some eDNA 🧬 ideas cooking!
Select your favorite vernacular name out of these unique, one-off bird of paradise hybrid specimens. Mine is “Captain Blood’s Bird of Paradise” 🩸
TFW you're not sure if a work email will come across as passive-aggressive or not so just to be safe you stick a :) at the end
"Someone should really work to fix..." Unethical behavior in the field Publishing costs Lack of mentorship Accessibility of meetings Funding for students Decline of taxonomy SSB has worked on all these issues (clearly, none are solved, yet). Join on to work on them and others, too.
SSB is looking for its next elected Graduate Student Representative! Deadline is June 30th. The only requirement is being a graduate student who is interested in evolution and evolutionary history. Please consider applying! More details here: www.systbio.org
When i hear “deadline”, i think “by that day at the very latest, preferably much earlier”, but after 10+ years in academia I’m only now realizing that by “deadline” most academics mean “on that exact day”
Starting to prep to teach BIOS 202 in the Fall (basics of evolution and diversity), I am again humbled and perhaps a ltlle intoxicated with the power and privilege that it is to talk to young people about such things.
Is saying “have a good one” a southern dialect or is it widespread in the US? It totally FEELS like it should be a southern thing
That teaching is actually often not the major part (in terms of time budget) of a professor’s job
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Good night and happy weekend, everyone!
⚠️🐤🚨 New bird species alert! ⚠️🐤🚨 Meet the Andean Black-goggled Tanager, Trichothraupis griseonota! My participation in the description was pretty minor, but it's a really cool story (1/x) www.mapress.com/zt/article/v...