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He/Him; BLM, abortion rights are non-negotiable, expand SCOTUS, make DC & PR states, aggressively expand voting rights everywhere. The GOP is a fascist menace to be fought at every turn.
The NYT is beneath contempt
"I'm febrile! And the only prescription, is more cowbell!"
Banning the word “febrile” yall had your chance and you took advantage
Still need to paint the crew, but I’m very happy with how this little war balloon turned out! It was a lot of fun to paint, and I’ve got a second one just like it printed up!
Today we saw Kumamoto Castle, which got pretty badly wrecked by an earthquake in 2016 and repair efforts are still ongoing. Glad we saw it, and would be interested to check on it again in another few years to see the progress.
It took a 3hr bus ride in both directions, but Takachiho Gorge was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Absolutely stunning, I wish I could post more than four pics at a time
We’ve seen a lot of cool stuff so far but I think Himeji Castle might be my favorite to date.
After four days in Tokyo, we’re headed south and just got to Himeji! No pics right now because the roaming data struggles with that but Himeji Castle is one of the things I’ve been looking forward to the most.
Tokyo National Museum: 10/10 will visit again
My first ever sushi in Japan itself! It was quite tasty, but just a corner place near our hotel because we’d be up for 24hrs between flying and transit and just wanted a bite before bed
I am admittedly shit at batch painting—I always end up working on one model until it’s done, but perhaps today is the day!
My earth dragon has a silly big tail so I made him a rock to stand on that will let me put other models adjacent. The model still needs to be pinned since the resin is kind of heavy but I’m pretty happy with the results
jesus tapdancing christ look at this
So should I be expecting some good news about McConnell or what?
Look how they massacred my bit
Me and the regular group who like my posts
Me and the regular group who like my posts
Finished up a ballista crew do go with my cannoneers; the bolts for that rack are still printing and it needs another wash
drop a shop that’s not from star wars or star trek
drop a ship that's not from star wars or star trek
I keep injecting miniature WIPs into the Discourse and y’all keep not taking the bait. Let’s try cannons? Do you like cannons?
I have never played a wargame in 6mm scale, but thanks to GW they’ve gotten a bit of a shot in the arm so I printed up a few tiny duders for Full Spectrum Dominance or Midnight Dark or something. Here’s a heavy infantry squad!
At last, the gang’s all here! Hjalbar Stormforge, his apprentice Kirgwynn Wintershield, and their little band of treasure hunters. Finally going to play some Frostgrave 🥰
Originally I was going to do a magma theme for the dragon, but decided to try a earth/stone scheme instead. The mossy texture paint is still trying, and I want to try a mud texture and some tufts of grass in one or two spots as well. “Oops—that hill was actually a dragon!”
You have to click on their profile to see the Block option
Dreadful pics even by my standards, but here’s a dwarf spearman to back up my wizard in Frostgrave matches! Eventually he’ll be part of a fantasy dwarf army too since clearly I need another miniatures project
Finished! Very happy with how the barbed wire turned out—that rust paint is magical stuff
Realized I haven’t shown off any of my models lately; finished two Battle Armor models for my homebrew space dwarves. I’ll add battle damage in a batch once the full squad is done
Yes that's what "retroactive" means, you don't need to go into debate mode. But the letter's last paragraph seems pretty clear what Abbott is insisting on.
Feeling under the weather, but still finished up a test model, I’m hoping to finish a wood elves army in autumn colors and I’m pretty happy with this result. That spot on his left heel has since been fixed