
Reminder: if you've ever been told you can't donate blood because of risk factors, either around sexual activity or past international travel, chances are very good that the latest updates to the donor criteria have made you newly eligible:
on that note: the FDA recently overhauled all their eligibility guidelines wrt high risk behaviours for contracting bloodborne diseases like hepatitis and HIV to be what they should be—behaviour is the only factor addressed, w/ neither gender nor sexuality being taken into account in that behaviour!
If you've been told you can't donate blood because of the vCJD risk from having spent more than 6 months in the UK, France, or Ireland since 1980, that restriction is entirely lifted. (There are still some restrictions for people who've received hGH.)
The eligibility requirement around sexual activity is no longer tied to your preference in sexual partners. Anyone is eligible to donate as long as they have not had anal sex with a partner who is new to them in the last three months and are not taking PrEP.
The requirement to not be taking PrEP is because the initial screening for HIV on donated blood is done with samples being batched -- a few drops are taken from multiple donations, pooled together, and tested, and if the pooled blood tests positive, each contributor to the batch is then tested.
If one contributor to the pooled batch of blood is taking PrEP, it can interfere with the testing of the entire batch and cause it all to test negative even if one of the other contributors has an otherwise-detectable HIV viral load.
If you've ever formally been deferred from donating blood due to failing any screening test in the past, prior to them changing the screening tests they use to ones that are less susceptible to false positives, you are also eligible for a one-time override with extra screening.
To start the reinstatement process, or if you have questions about whether you're eligible due to medication you're taking or specific health conditions, call the Donor Eligibility Center: 1-866-236-3276
Yes! I just discovered this and donated for the first time ever last month.
Oh nice! I was banned from donating bc of a body piercing and it seems they’ve updated so I can.
Yes! No deferral if done with single use sterile equipment by a licensed piercer, 3 months if done with reusable equipment such as a piercing gun
Ok but if it's your best friends older sister who totally knows what she's doing?
As a former UK resident, being able to give blood again recently after 12 years was surprisingly satisfying
Still a 3 month wait after *ending* PrEP before you're allowed to donate.
The requirement to not be taking PrEP is because the initial screening for HIV on donated blood is done with samples being batched -- a few drops are taken from multiple donations, pooled together, and tested, and if the pooled blood tests positive, each contributor to the batch is then tested.
That's the first time I've actually seen a reason for it explained and I appreciate it.
Yes! The risk isn't about that specific donor, it's about interference with the screening assays on the other donations in the pool. The pooling for testing is to save time and consume as little of the donated blood as possible in testing.
I think PrEP also interferes with the screening assays for hepatitis, too, not just HIV.
AIUI the emtricitabine and tenofovir can essentially mask delayed HIV seroconversion, so it would make sense if that also applied to the hep.
Now I’m wondering if biotin supplements mess things up. 🤔 (High doses are known to mess with a number of labs.)