
It's progress, but it's only 114 job titles being struck and another 13 subject to extra justification. There are 3,127 on the "unskilled labor" list (all labor is skilled labor) and I've seen analysis that over 3/4ths of them are obsolete.
The Social Security Administration will eliminate all but a handful of those unskilled jobs from a long-outdated database used to decide who gets benefits and who is denied, ending a practice that advocates have long decried as unfair and inaccurate.
Social Security to jettison obsolete jobs used to deny disability For decades, Social Security has used obsolete jobs like pneumatic tube operator and nut sorter to deny disabled claimants.
If the SSA wants to deny your benefits because they think you can work, they should be forced to find you an actual, literal, you-can-start-tomorrow-with-a-pay-advance fucking job placement.
If only that were the law (or even a permissible policy interpretation of the law SSA has to administer). Unfortunately, that's not the statute Congress wrote.
please reread my post, which clearly indicates what I consider to be an ideal state without any assessment about what changes would be necessary as to achieve it. I do not include "I know this would require sweeping changes but" disclaimers when the "ought" context is blatant.
Responses that treat a post as though it is operating in an "is" context when it is clearly operating in an "ought" context, and vice versa, are extremely tedious. Please do not do them.
Wow, that was an easy block. Thank you for your thoughts on the SSA and I'm sorry someone tried to become the main character of your thread like that.
Sorry, I was just trying to clarify where the blame lies. In other words, it's not properly the agency's fault, it's Congress'. This isn't an issue where the agency has discretion.
I thought that clarification might be valuable because your original post is directed at the agency's actions.
The universal experience of the many disabled people I know who have had the misfortune of dealing with the SSA is that it doesn't make a fuck of a difference whose directives they're implementing, they are sadistic assholes who take delight in tormenting disabled people.
It doesn't matter where the original mandate to torment disabled people came from. The universal presumption of the SSA *and* Congress is that all disability claims are fraudulent and all disabled people are liars who are trying to defraud the agency.
I understand where you're coming from. Obviously, from the agency/government side my experience and perspective is different.
Perhaps if you're uncomfortable with disabled people thinking that your agency is a sadistic eugenicist operation that functions as an agent of state sponsored murder, you should find a job that isn't working for a sadistic eugenicist operation that functions as an agent of state sponsored murder!
From the disabled perspective: any agent - be it a person or agency or institution - that holds my goddamned *survival* on meeting their requirements for being "good enough" for it is by definition abusive. Congress surely isn't absolved, but neither is the SSA.
I got a great story about the SSA accusing me of fraud and immediately taking money from my monthly for a couple of years I appealed which did nothing Though it may have caused numbers to be run because a year after the appeal ended they found where they’d been underpaying me by 100s for a decade
hey Peter I just saw you having your cheeky little side chat about how you don't even work at the Social Security office but regulate railroads ( boy is that also a fucking mess but less evil.. I guess) so why don't you delete this instead of leaving it up to trigger traumatized disabled people?
No one cares about your “experience and perspective” of being involved with an agency that is passively murdering disabled people, Fed.
Are you even aware of the first round denial rates of your own agency? I just don't know how it's possible for you to say all of this with a straight face if you're looking at the actual numbers.
yes it is very difficult for a man whose paycheck comes from the eugenics office to understand how it's unethical.
So you are incapable of understanding human suffering unless you yourself are the one suffering. OK, got it.
Ahh yes. Following orders always works out well for people. My dude. You're working as a eugenicist. There's no excuse.