
Get a TDaP booster if it's been more than five years and extra especially if it's been more than ten years! Pertussis (whooping cough) immunity wears off over time and it's currently circulating again! You do not want whooping cough! I got my Tdap booster just now because of your reminders; thank you! 💪😊
Don't forget your tetanus shots, every ten years!
The TDaP is tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis!
Oh good to know! I didn't realize tetanus was in the mix. So if you go to get your tetanus booster, is it always the TDaP? Or do they sometimes give you just the T?
Last I heard Td shots still exist, but the last couple times I needed a shot I told them I preferred the one that also covers pertussis and they told me the TDaPs are all they stock any more.
Yeah, it's possible to get just the TD, but the pertussis is the component that wears off fastest and it's making a comeback so most doctors don't recommend it anymore
Makes sense. We should be flooding the zone with pertussis immunity. I believe I had it in sixth grade, as part of the cohort where they figured out aP wears off much faster than wP. Coughing so hard I couldn't sleep, lungs hurt, lost my voice off and on. No upside; not recommended.
And when I say "months on end" and "sixth grade": caught it early in the school year, had symptoms straight through until summer.