
Get a TDaP booster if it's been more than five years and extra especially if it's been more than ten years! Pertussis (whooping cough) immunity wears off over time and it's currently circulating again! You do not want whooping cough! I got my Tdap booster just now because of your reminders; thank you! 💪😊
Speaking of boosters, I got a covid one today, and took diphenhydramine beforehand like you recommended - and so far I don't feel like death! 🎉 Let's hope this continues lol
Hooray!! I hope the not feeling like death continues!
Had whooping cough at 23 and have never been sicker, including pneumonia
Oooh thanks for the reminder, I am overdue, meant to get it last year.
Get one now and then do them in years that end in 5 and 0!
Don't forget your tetanus shots, every ten years!
The TDaP is tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis!
Oh good to know! I didn't realize tetanus was in the mix. So if you go to get your tetanus booster, is it always the TDaP? Or do they sometimes give you just the T?
Last I heard Td shots still exist, but the last couple times I needed a shot I told them I preferred the one that also covers pertussis and they told me the TDaPs are all they stock any more.
Yeah, it's possible to get just the TD, but the pertussis is the component that wears off fastest and it's making a comeback so most doctors don't recommend it anymore
Makes sense. We should be flooding the zone with pertussis immunity. I believe I had it in sixth grade, as part of the cohort where they figured out aP wears off much faster than wP. Coughing so hard I couldn't sleep, lungs hurt, lost my voice off and on. No upside; not recommended.
I had whooping cough while 6 months pregnant and my lungs were squeezed up into the top of my torso. Definitely the sickest I’ve ever been. And for a year afterwards every cold went to my lungs and was 10x worse than normal. 0/10 would not recommend.
oh I should check on my TDaP
hmmmm, five years ago, says I'm not due for another 5. I wonder if I can ask for the booster based on recent CKD dx.
Technically, the recommendation for TDaP is every 10 years, yeah. I happen to think that's outdated and we've shown that the acellular pertussis vaccine is significantly less effective after 4-5 years so a whole lot of people are walking around unprotected, but talk to your doctor!
She absolutely does; I was the first MCAS patient she put on cromolyn sodium (now she does it routinely) based on the papers I brought in Thank you!
Ooooh, yay!! I know some doctors get tetchy about it but mine is the same: she finds it SUPER helpful when I do literature review for her
Pregnant lady chiming in: my doctor told me to ask anyone visiting the new baby to get one and even the aunties and uncles qualified based on that!
The two methods I've heard people use to time it easily without having to look things up: get it in years that end in 0 (or 0 and 5 if you're high risk), or get it when you or a family member is pregnant and use the subsequent kid's age as a timer.
Another good algorithm is "if you get scuffed outside and don't remember how long it's been before getting to the drugstore to roll sleeve."
I’ve had to get tetanus booster for cat bites, spider bites, and I think my doctor mentioned getting one for a burn? Back when it was just tetanus, I avoided them as long as possible because I get lots of pain from them, but I’ll suck it up and do it when offered for pertussis.
I got whooping cough because my immunity wore off and it was horrible. The noise is exactly like you imagine, fully unable to breathe and gasping to suck air into your lungs
For the curious: "One to 2 weeks after the first symptoms start, people may develop ... coughing fits. These ... usually last 1 to 6 weeks but can last for up to 10 weeks. The cough generally gets worse and becomes more common as the illness continues."
just over here bragging because I got mine in March.
Someone who's had it as an adult cosigning this! For me the initial infection was *worse than my COVID infection*. It SUCKED. So much.
I just had it a few months ago. Horrible. I had no idea I was behind on a booster.