
Get a TDaP booster if it's been more than five years and extra especially if it's been more than ten years! Pertussis (whooping cough) immunity wears off over time and it's currently circulating again! You do not want whooping cough! I got my Tdap booster just now because of your reminders; thank you! 💪😊
The two methods I've heard people use to time it easily without having to look things up: get it in years that end in 0 (or 0 and 5 if you're high risk), or get it when you or a family member is pregnant and use the subsequent kid's age as a timer.
Another good algorithm is "if you get scuffed outside and don't remember how long it's been before getting to the drugstore to roll sleeve."
I’ve had to get tetanus booster for cat bites, spider bites, and I think my doctor mentioned getting one for a burn? Back when it was just tetanus, I avoided them as long as possible because I get lots of pain from them, but I’ll suck it up and do it when offered for pertussis.