
Get a TDaP booster if it's been more than five years and extra especially if it's been more than ten years! Pertussis (whooping cough) immunity wears off over time and it's currently circulating again! You do not want whooping cough! I got my Tdap booster just now because of your reminders; thank you! 💪😊
hmmmm, five years ago, says I'm not due for another 5. I wonder if I can ask for the booster based on recent CKD dx.
Technically, the recommendation for TDaP is every 10 years, yeah. I happen to think that's outdated and we've shown that the acellular pertussis vaccine is significantly less effective after 4-5 years so a whole lot of people are walking around unprotected, but talk to your doctor!
She absolutely does; I was the first MCAS patient she put on cromolyn sodium (now she does it routinely) based on the papers I brought in Thank you!
Ooooh, yay!! I know some doctors get tetchy about it but mine is the same: she finds it SUPER helpful when I do literature review for her