
a whole lot of people out there need to ask themselves why they’re so angry at those of us demanding peace
I think a lot of the anger, at least here, is more directed at the people loudly proclaiming they won't vote bc of a war we are not fighting in, ignoring both domestic issues & that Biden ended/mostly ended the wars we were fighting in. I'm disgusted with our govt's response to this too, but...
Because they're prioritizing their feelings over the actual impact a Trump presidency would have not just on the US, but the entire world. Tens of thousands have died in Gaza. Millions would die if an open Islamophobe took office. The whole region would go up in flames.
Yes. Because This Place is the stupidest echo chamber. There are self-described communists who aren’t just constantly made fun of, for example. They reinforce each other in the stupidest tendencies until they become staunchly-held positions.
The people who yell the loudest about anti-capitalism are the ones who are most likely to treat voting as a capitalist endeavor, where votes are an exercise in personal branding, & boycotts work on political parties like they do on corporations.
If nothing else, this situ is an argument for more election participation, not less - platforming younger, more racially, religiously, and gender diverse candidates, up and down the ballot, including in primaries. We need a representational govt now more than ever. It’s a tough growth lesson.
While the Right organized, the Left let too many positions go unchallenged. This organization seeks to right that balance by providing candidates on the Left with assistance and support. They’ve been very successful. Follow for more.
How We Help - Run For How We Help Since launching in January 2017, Run for Something has recruited nearly 100,000 people across all 50 states to run for state or local office.  We provide a safety net for new and exciting ...
Don't know why this is so hard for people to understand. In the absence of leftist voters, things move to the right.
If we need a more diverse set of candidates, then those candidates need to run for office. If they run and lose then their ideas may not be as popular as people On Here claim they are. If they run and win then they have what we call “a mandate”. One of the best at recognizing this is AOC.
It’s like the people I see who in fucking 2024 keep saying that St Bernard would have beaten Trump when he couldn’t even win the primaries in deep blue states like Washington. Somehow that would have magically changed when it was time for Republicans to vote too? Tell me more.
No, but you see, Bernie only lost the primaries because they were rigged against him by the DNC.
The cynical response: When things move to the right, leftist organizers and organizations benefit.
I find it utterly mind-boggling how many people who think that they are extremely savvy & cynical politics understanders don't get what a grift the Green Party is here in the US.