
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
the unexpected thing about Talking To Your Representatives is that it can actually work, if enough people are similarly mad about the same thing. you won’t get the elected on the phone. but they will hear about it from their annoyed staff, who might not have time to do anything else
You have to be SOOOOO annoying and hopefully convince other people around you to be equally annoying
Like this is where Karen energy is needed. You need to be on that “can I speak to your manager” shit. Act like you’ve been double charged for your salad and need a refund.
Because I now live in San Francisco, I get to vent my anger directly into Nancy Pelosi's inbox and let me tell you: it helps.
Oh hell yeah tell her I said fuck you
I once sent "As a born and raised Californian, your stance on this is embarassing"
I did that to Kathy Hochul when she proposed a mask ban. Knowing (from former students who were interns in congressional offices) that they count pro/con and characterize the emotional tone in reports to the electeds, even if those guys never listen to (or read) their own messages.
Kathy Hochul deserves alllllll the angry messages.
I literally started “as a native New Yorker” and went high dudgeon from there.
Just wrote her again, thanks for the reminder.