
feeling unsafe and being unsafe are not the same thing
Yes. But how can you be safe if you feel unsafe?
My point to this is that by feeling unsafe your attitude and responses are impacted, making you less safe
No. Your attitude doesn’t make people point guns at you. It doesn’t change the aerodynamics of a plane, or the transmissibility of a virus. Safety is not a feeling; feeling safe is not being safe; you’re proving the point.
Not much you can do about that mate. That’s life unfortunately
There have been many times when I've felt unsafe but wasn't. Your question makes no sense.
This was my thought too. If you're walking home after dark, you might feel unsafe - but you could very well be at no real risk whatsoever. The internal feeling of danger could feel real, but it does not mean you were ever in harm's way at the time...
How can there not be a pool of water on the hot street if I see a pool of water on the hot street? How can the dress be blue and black when it looks white and gold? Dunno what to tell you man, perception is sometimes inaccurate but there are plenty of ways to compensate for it & figure things out.
Think of that trope of a white woman clutching her handbag for dear life in the elevator the moment a Black man steps in with them. That’s an example of being safe while feeling unsafe
By knowing that feelings and perceptions can be distorted and not reflective of reality, and practicing evaluating the difference.
How much effort am I supposed to expend to make a paranoid person feel safe?
by having people around who can assure you you’re safe.
You can be safe when you feel unsafe if you're afraid of something that isn't actually going to happen (or the chances of it happening are much lower than you feel they are)
how can be traveling 550 mph on this jet if i feel like i'm standing still. are you being disingenuous or just simple?
It's not that hard. Case in point: airline travel is far safer than traveling cars. One is objectively 'safe' in an airliner by any real measure. But it 'feels' unsafe to people. While driving 'feels' safe, even when it isn't.