

I guess Bidens age doesn't matter that much to me cause I don't think US Presidents do nearly as much as the myth likes to tell. Reagan spent the back end of his run with Alzheimers, last guy played golf & shitposted for 4 years, idc if Bidens an ent who speaks once a yr, taking it over Project 2025
Seattle residents! Contact your City Council people before Tuesday to express support for this legislation. It waives codes that currently make it impossible to convert office spaces to residential ones. This will help with the housing crisis! www.king5.com/article/news...
Seattle City Council to vote on converting empty office space into housingwww.king5.com The legislation would waive land use code requirements for existing non-residential allowing them to be converted into residential use.
worth pointing out that this complete and utter POS did vote in both 2020 and 2022, so this entire article is not only BS but a demonstrable lie disseminated by the NYT, this is yet another psy op by Sulz to rig the election for the guy who they think will get them better ratings
Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9
be nice to the kitties (and other wildlife)! Keep your fireworks to yourself please!
Fireworks suck! Here are some tips from cat behaviorist Mikel Delgado for keeping your cats safe and happy this 4th of July. www.instagram.com/p/C87GFSBpgyk/ 1. Make sure your cats are inside. Even if they normally go out, the 4th is not a good day for them to roam. (con't)
Official act. Immune.
Remember who had did all of that agenda- and parameter-setting around terms like "activist judges" and "politicizing the courts?" They were telling you what they were going to do. When they accuse, they are always telling you what they are going to do.
Incredible how all it took was a black guy winning 2 elections and they collectively decided that they didn't want to do democracy anymore
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
Morning, Bluesky. Two days and a wake-up until the start of much-needed change in the UK. As there’s some confusion, here’s a tactical voting guide from The Progressive Alliance. Everywhere not mentioned, it’s safe to vote Labour.
I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
T̶h̶e̶ a̶r̶i̶s̶t̶o̶c̶r̶a̶t̶s̶!̶ Originalism!
No one is coming to save us. We need to build working-class power, we need to build a movement that can crush fascism, we need to organize like never before. Because we don't have a democracy to save, but we do have one to build from the ground up. www.jphilll.com/p/the-suprem...
The Supreme Court just legalized Presidential crimewww.jphilll.com Fighting back is more important than ever.
Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
If the six FedSoc SCOTUS jack-originalists were alive in 1776, five of them would have been Tories and have fled to Canada or England. The other one would have been owned and sold among white men, something he continues to be and seems to enjoy.
Luckily, the justices will now take a break from destroying the other branches of government to spend the summer enjoying the gratuities their benefactors provide them with.
reminder that there was a time when they were literally selling radium soft drinks in the USA that were so toxic that the biggest fan of the brand had to be buried in a lead coffin because of how much radiation poisoning he got from them and this death led to the FDA regulations that exist now
Everyone knows Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine, but people don't talk as much about how 7 Up used to contain lithium as a mood stabiliser.
The United States is a republic ruled by a council of nine judges, who are replaced when one of them dies or retires using a process involving the less democratic branch of the legislature and a president who may or may not have won a popular mandate to govern.
I wrote to the Tractor Supply board today. Here is what I sent. Even if you've only ever bought one thing there, I encourage you to write, as a customer.
Fuck. This one's going to sting, but add another company to our boycott list. x.com/TractorSuppl...
I’m not watching this debate. It shouldn’t even be happening. The President of the United States should not be sharing a stage with a convicted felon, insurrectionist, and a fascist. Vote blue up and down your ballot and fight to end this charade.
Whatever you think of Jamaal Bowman, the fact that this was the most expensive race in House history is a bad thing. And the MAGA Supreme Court made that possible. It’s a travesty that billionaires can spend $25M in a single House race. Win Congress, end Cit U.
It is very funny how one of the Supreme Court’s big issues is making it impossible to outlaw bribery because they like being bribed
Mon Mothma is EIGHTY-FIVE and we expect her to have the capacity to lead this rebellion? I mean, yes, Palpatine is 117 but it's a deceptively young 117.
Great thread; really glad I spent my morning wondering if stormtroopers actually have bad aim or just terrible equipment.
people find it so hard to believe that stormtroopers from Star Wars have terrible aim probably because bad equipment it's 2024 on earth and we have two of the most valuable companies in the history of the world: one of them is making airplanes that crash, the other makes trucks that can't get wet
Look I cannot recommend a better way to improve your life than going to the local animal shelter and asking, “what is the nicest cat you have” and then adopting them, especially if they are plain and old
Found this old poem from 2020 and it hits hard today. Little one, big world. Your troubles are more than my hands can hold. I want to fix them all to comfort you with a song and a blanket and my love. But you are grown now, and my love tries desperately to keep your feet warm. -F.G.