
I hate this piece of shit.
I would read an entire book or maybe even a series of them on What The Fuck Is The Deal With This Asshole
The podcast Behind The Bastards did a pretty good series of episodes about him, if you like podcasts.
What was their conclusion for What The Fuck Is His Deal?
It was a while ago that I listened to it. He's basically another dude who had a childhood and life that could have radicalized him to fight for a better world, but instead he chose to be an asshole at every opportunity instead. It's good, though, and Robert Evans dies a better job than I have here.
... does* a better job than I have here, in case anyone seriously believes that Robert Evans dies in the course of a past episode of his ongoing podcast.
It did get me wondering for ¼ second, but I guessed what you meant. We all do typos, and with autoincorrect, the occurrence just multiplies.