
This is sort of the incredible thing: white Americans really think America sucks right now, but financial data shows us white Americans have never had it better! The resentment is social! Lots of us don't want nonwhite Americans to have it better!
Historians of this era will spend a lot of time studying social resentment, especially in older folks, and how it's played such a central role in politics.
My aunt and uncle retired in their fifties with generous pensions that allow them to travel extensively and they are the most MAGA people in my family.
Lots of these people think if there's some kind of massive civil unrest the pensions will process normally and/or there will be places to travel to.
It’s insane that the people that America has worked out for seem to hate her the most.
I really do think the Generation of Sociopaths guy was correct, at least broadly. How else do you explain these folks pissing it all away?
It’s kind of sickly gratifying to know these people will actually probably personally suffer quite a lot under the government they’re trying to usher in, but the enjoyment fades when you remember they’ll just continue to blame us libs for it
Somehow it'll be the libs fault when the military splits and there's rolling blackouts and people's checks don't show up in their bank accounts on time. Then again, they'll find blaming the libs much less fun when the cell networks are intermittently down. A lot less people to rant to.
My refrain on these types has always been “The minute their first cruise or flight is cancelled by civil unrest, they will simply die of anger.”
A lot of it is homophobic/Transphobic too. So many sad, small people threatened by people loving and loving however they want
This is definitely part of it. It feels like these people have been pushing back against progress forever and LGBTQ+ acceptance is the final straw for them. Just monstrous assholes.
A lot of the ones I come in contact with, homophobia/transphobia and multiracial marriages are HUGE goddamn trigger points for them. Just disgusting
I feel this every time I talk to my father or my in-laws. They have had an amazing life and were far richer and more comfortable than their parents ever were. But they long for a time when everyone was poorer but hierarchies were steeper and more rigid. It's both infuriating and pathetic.
Another thing: I'm a white guy and I'm so sick and tired of how chickenshit so many white people are – particularly old white people. Just abject cowards who are terrified of anyone who isn't white and/or as rich as they are. Completely gutless and proud of it.
Yeah. Understanding this should fundamentally reshape how we think about politics.
A lot of white people view prosperity as zero-sum: if non-whites are making gains, then whites must be losing.