
Voters of color and the left realizing Biden is the best bet and moderates/centrists being soft on him is basically what you'd expect if he was down in the polls, but for the past 6 months the polls have constantly told us it's the opposite.
I honestly don't understand how anyone is soft on him except the 0.5% of voters who have strong Gaza/foreign policy feels when we are facing Trump 2: Much Worse This Time. No one likes him!
By which I mean I really doubt he will win the popular vote in any version of the outcome and that his approval has never been good
Aside from the polls that force voters all undecideds to pick a choice right now, Trump can't get above 46% with registered voters. He clearly has a ceiling and his obvious path to victory is low turnout, not persuasion. That's very possible but also shows he hasn't corrected his weaknesses either.
The turnout / third party / soft support seems to be in Pew's "disaffected Dems" category: agree with the platform, don't trust the system. Mostly young, nonwhite, poor or working class. Link has their categories
Appendix 1: Typology Group Defining values: This overwhelmingly Republican group holds conservative attitudes across a wide range of issues, especially in their support for smaller