
Trump distancing himself from Project 2025 is 1) a lie, and 2) indication that they think playing their hand too early jeopardizes their chances.
The problem is it will work if the press just flat takes him at his word like they already seem to be doing
It wont stop Dem attack ads on the subject tho, which is probably what will matter more in the end.
I mean, I hope so! I really do!
Anxious Dems will need to eventually internalize the truth that lots of people are not just capable but willing to see media bullshit for what it is after nearly a decade of Trump on the scene.
I think people here underestimate how much distrust the average American has for the media. It's not limited to Trumpers.
Any story about the decline in institutional trust always notes that news medias position with the public has broadly nose dived
If Biden did something similar there would be a minimum of ten follow up stories about what it meant for the campaign, how the loyal project 2025 staffers felt about it, what major donors were saying etc.
He literally says he wishes them luck! We're fucked
The very fact he's denying knowledge of it, let alone involvement, tells me everything (his prints are all over it).
Guy wearing a Project 2025 shirt: “it was a gift, I thought the letters looked cool.”
"It's a reminder to myself that I'm gonna remodel the kitchen and build a deck next year."
Someone show the movie "Colors" to that GOP candidate for NC governor, we need to walk calmly down to the cows if we want to kill them all.
Sounds like a Maggie Haberman-type “scoop” meant to platform disinformation - but these Beltway reporters are infinitely gullible🙄
It reminds me of early in his campaign for 2016 he stood on stage and talk about how “he loves the gays.” Hating something means he’s all in and when he loves something watch the hell out.