
If we're all expected to rally 'round Biden, we can do the same for whoever he offers as his replacement.
Why, so there can be an intra-party fight between Kamala Harris and every other possible candidate? What, are you crazy? And Harris would be subject to the racism that hit Obama *and* the sexism that hit Clinton. I don't know that Biden can win but I'm pretty damn sure that no one else can.
It takes time to pick a replacement and time to start a campaign. And the replacement would be somebody who nobody voted for. I don't understand how you think this is a plausible alternative.
Marci Wheeler points out that many countries do run national elections in less than 4 months. So, just maybe. But this is almost unprecedented in the USA and the one precedent is a bad one.
The thing is they don't have presidential primaries like we do. All of this talk is nonsense.