
so biden should just go HAM now
the sad part is that biden will see this moment and say “im gonna act like an extra good boy to show im the responsible choice for president and everyone will think that’s nice!”
So. What are some fucking #CoreActs open to #DarkBrandon to nail #Trump & prove that he is not the over-the-hill spineless woos that millions saw at the debate. It is fucking time to get down and DIRTY vs. wannabe #dictator Trump and the coup-continuing #IllegitimateSCOTUS. NICE is NOT going to win.
I guess Biden has some big ideas lined up already, like ordering ice cream later in the week.
If Joe Biden is it, that’s good enough for me. Because no way, no how, would I ever vote for Donald Trump. The decision is an easy one. Vote for democracy or end up an autocracy!
You don’t have a choice of democracy vs autocracy. You have a choice of plutocracy with a veneer of performative elections (with a choice of candidates selected and owned by the plutocrats) and plutocracy with open fascism to keep the masses in line. One is a lesser evil, but it’s no democracy.
Ok then I’ll take my plutocracy, sprinkled with democracy on the left. So I’ll vote for Joe Biden any day! Never for the fascist orange dictator.
In 1932 the Germans voted for the 83 year old Hindenburg because he was going to keep Hitler in check. 2 years later he was dead and Hitler was Führer. You lost your "democracy" when Biden decided to run again.
It’s like saying if Biden dies in office, democracy dies, because Kamala ( A black woman ) is gonna march us all to a fascist movement? Sure sport. Let me get down to your level. Mara-Lago is the “Beer Hall Putsch.” And it’s quite obvious you’re a righty.
No, "sport". I said something completely different. I will not repeat or explain it, because it is still there for you to read before replying, if you cared to.
Ok so that means you’re done? And you’re moving along? Lmfao