
so biden should just go HAM now
the sad part is that biden will see this moment and say “im gonna act like an extra good boy to show im the responsible choice for president and everyone will think that’s nice!”
Yep. Decorum now, decorum forever. Unless you're Palestinian of course.
Exactly right. Biden is the honor roll student whose head will be shoved into the urinal by bully boy Trump. And the eighth grade will laugh and laugh and laugh...
Ears down, sitting in front of republicans with his tail wagging, whining, begging to be called a good boy!
If only Commander could convince him to bite some of the fuckers.
Correct. Democrats will take the high road to defeat every time.
Yes. They were saying as much on msnbc [not derogatory].
“now’s the time to show leadership” no now’s the time to match his crazy
So. What are some fucking #CoreActs open to #DarkBrandon to nail #Trump & prove that he is not the over-the-hill spineless woos that millions saw at the debate. It is fucking time to get down and DIRTY vs. wannabe #dictator Trump and the coup-continuing #IllegitimateSCOTUS. NICE is NOT going to win.
I guess Biden has some big ideas lined up already, like ordering ice cream later in the week.
If Joe Biden is it, that’s good enough for me. Because no way, no how, would I ever vote for Donald Trump. The decision is an easy one. Vote for democracy or end up an autocracy!
You don’t have a choice of democracy vs autocracy. You have a choice of plutocracy with a veneer of performative elections (with a choice of candidates selected and owned by the plutocrats) and plutocracy with open fascism to keep the masses in line. One is a lesser evil, but it’s no democracy.
Ok then I’ll take my plutocracy, sprinkled with democracy on the left. So I’ll vote for Joe Biden any day! Never for the fascist orange dictator.
Yup. That is EXACTLY what I expect of him and his trash advisors.
And that’s why he won’t win. It’s like 2016 didn’t even happen, since we’ve learned nothing and there have been no meaningful consequences.
"America, the decision you face is between me, the Extra Special Good Boy, and an alley cat."
I expect that from every member of the Democratic Party. I think the Blue Dog disease is incurable.
he'll have a lame duck session for drone strikes if he loses.
What does Biden have left to lose? Honestly? He's old as fuck, he may or may not be prosecuted for committing atrocities to save the republic, and he's the most powerful man on the planet DO SOMETHING
Yeah, among a lot of other things, this is a real blow to all the vbnmw weiners' ability to insist Biden is actually amazing but his hands are tied because Republicans
They just handed him a benevolent dictatorship on a platter. Anything he does will be tied up in courts for EVER. He has free rein to do virtually anything right now
He's Catholic. He believes he has a soul left to lose. Not saying I understand that belief, but I acknowledge that *is* his belief.
My immediate first thought was that he could. It's hilarious, bc whether he does or not (he won't), the outcome is the same: Americans will be outed as being totally cool with autocracy, so long as it benefits them, and willing to excuse anything as long as it's leveraged "for good."
... and I will sink into a thought spiral trap of trying to determine if maybe I'm a shit human bc I wouldn't go back in time & kill Hitler, and I will desperately cling to notions like "the purpose of a system is what it does" to justify my rejection of the hierarchical value of intent.
Activate the Wisconsin National Guard, drone strike the Republican National Convention, then send in the troops to round up any surviving terrorists and send them to GITMO for the rest of their lives. You got immunity. Tell me they would never do the same to you, Joe.
Has anyone seen a nationwide strike sign up sheet? I've been looking for one for years.
Make this guy the nominee
sure but the moment the Texas Trump judge rules he can't do that, he'll politely stop
that's the one thing that would cheer me up, and the least likely thing to happen :(
Yeah what are they gonna do, impose a blatantly self-contradictory double standard in service of nakedly partisan ends? John Roberts would *never*!
Instead he’s MIA. Extremely disappointing yet again.