
Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly building a $100 million compound in Hawaii — which includes more than a dozen buildings with 30 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms in total. It also includes a a huge underground bunker. I don’t want to hear that billionaires can’t afford a wealth tax.
they are getting ready for the apocalypse they helped bringing upon us.
They're all prepping their bunkers so they can successfully hunker down when Things Go Off The Rails Entirely. They are emotional teenagers with limitless resources and little to no consequences for their actions ever - to them, life is a videogame. None of us are actually 'real'. It's horrifying.
He is feeding his beef cows macadamia nuts that asshole can get fucked
No underground bunker is going to save the billionaires once the people rise up.
Could you imagine these geniuses sealing themselves away in an underground bunker for safety, only to find we've cemented them shut, and they're never getting out? They're already in the ground. They're effectively dead at this point.
What exactly does one do with a 30-bedroom, 30-bathroom compound other than start a cult?
Wait until you hear about the cows eating macadamia nuts and drinking beer.
It’s as if he watched Murder at the End of the World and said “Hold my beer.”
has he made a donation to Hawaii after pissing off a bunch of native Hawaiians years ago cuz i haven’t heard anything about it.
I guess he will pay some 16% on long term capital gains, and provide for some work for locals. Thanks Mark! (Still not using Facebook or Insta, but captive of WhatsApp)
That guy has more homes than I have pairs of socks I think.
Who is saying they can't "afford" a wealth tax? One example will suffice.
80% of this property will be 100% unnecessary for practical purposes. HI should make him downsize it
You know every one of us would be doing the same. Every castle still standing is someones “100mil” mansion.
This is, indeed, the case for wealth tax.
He could have a 100 of these. and still never go broke.
The idea behind a wealth tax isn't to make anyone broke. It's to make them pay their fair share.
Actually its to make life affordable to everyone. But they dont want that.
You can't have obscene wealth without creating poverty. Every single billionaire on this planet accumulated that wealth by siphoning off the profits from the labor of the poor.
I agree. But its not gonna stop 100mil mansions.
I don't think 100mil mansions is the specific target here. The argument is that the ultrarich reinvest their wealth into things that are so profitable to all of us, that if we tax them, they can't afford to do these investments. Clearly that's not the case.