
Your periodic reminder that Medicare For All would save $450 billion in health care costs and 68,000 lives per year.
But greedy corporations couldn't profit off our suffering. Won't you please think of the CEOs?
Greedy corporations are profiting off Medicare (Advantage plans) now. The only reason to advocate for "Medicare for All" instead of universal health care is to keep insurance companies in business.
Unfortunately those folks that are currently getting that $450 billion a year are fighting it tooth and nail.
Someone should tell Joe Biden about that before the election.
So tired of "But who pays for it?" takes from the folks that live off money printed from nothing.
I got fired by both my therapists when I went on Medicare. I now have to pay for vision, dental & mental health and rent and insurance and transportation and clothing on $1100 a month. Medicaid covered all of that before I turned 65. Fix that first.
It’s an uphill battle when pitted against the for-profit healthcare industry.
Ought to be a no-brainer for support from the pro-life lobby
It would save a lot more than that, based on the experience of our peer nations, who have much smaller consumer bases and far fewer resources. To say nothing of the turbo boost in entrepreneurship and productivity we’d experience with the freedom it would allow our citizens and small businesses.
but brandon would veto it. he said so.
But - but - BUT that would be SOCIALISM and it would upset some very rich and powerful lobbyists
Yeah. It will cost health care "providers" $450 billion a year.
Better than the current system, I agree. BUT. Not the same as universal health care. Still dealing with paying premiums, copays, coinsurance, gaps in coverage with Medicare. The only advantage to Medicare for All over universal health care is keeping insurance companies in business.
Countries similar to the US but with universal medical care (such as Australia & Canada) commonly call this universal medical care “medicare.”
Politicians are corrupt in every country, but in the U.S. they're as bad as those in third-world countries: they're bought by all the big companies, whether they're pharmaceutical companies, coal companies ("clean energy" said Trump), the gun lobby, and so on. This is so nauseating.
That seems unfair to many politicians in '3rd world' (ie developing or underdeveloped) countries, who may be sincere but challenged by averse situations/conditions not of their making.