
By withholding a ruling on Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court's far-right justices are effectively giving Trump the immunity he's seeking, making it all but impossible for him to face trial before the election for his efforts to overturn the election and his role in Jan 6.
So, the far right SCOTUS is helping the Far Reich. Checks
Unfortunately, there’s little in the way of checks & balances when it comes to SCOTUS. I’d like for the Senate to hold hearings 2 shine a spotlight on SCOTUS wrongdoings. And if Dems win the trifecta in Nov., hopefully they’ll pass some much needed SCOTUS legislation. And, of course, we need 2 vote.
I fly the SCOTUS LOGO upside down! They are cheating voters the truth before the Election!
If SCOTUS does rule that the POTUS has total, absolute immunity, even to kill a political opponent, then Biden has what he needs to set things right. He can either eliminate the threat, or he can suspend the election until after the GOP nominee's trials are over. He'd be untouchable, so....
SCOTUS engaged in "Catch and Kill" - to help Trump become the first American dictator.
Congrats you’re this close to realizing the extent of the slow moving coup that has been happening for the past two decades.
Do you ever have the impression that they delaying the judgement only because they do not wish to grant an omnipotent right to Biden? I seems as if they would have this already settled if the GOP held the presidential seat right now.
Great, this is awesome to hear. Luckily some people in power are aware that the sole purpose of the sham trial was to prevent him from becoming the next president. Nothing could be more blatantly obvious.