
by choosing anyone other than harris to replace biden should he decide to step aside, the party would be revealing they very cynically chose her as veep for optics without believing she could actually be president.
this isn’t about whether or not you personally like kamala harris. the vice presidential candidate is chosen as the one to step in if the president cannot fulfill his duties. passing her over in this moment would fundamentally change the way veeps are chosen going forward.
Running for re-election is not a duty of the president. That is the president as the leader of his political party which is different. I am all for Harris if that’s what the Party decides. But if Jim Clyburn says he likes the idea of a “mini-primary” I’m going to defer to him.
So… fuck the literal millions who chose Harris and Biden in the primaries, then?
Nobody voted for Harris to be the presidential nominee. They voted for Biden to be the nominee. If he steps aside then a new nominee must be selected. The primaries were a rubber stamp in the absence of any of the several Dems of stature who would have run if Biden hadn’t