
I've just about had it with doomer imbeciles claiming Biden is just as bad as (or worse than) Trump on the pandemic. automatic block from here
Isn't the death rate back down to where it was pre-COVID? I mean, that's it right there. There are plenty of other non-fatal illnesses out there, they want him to issue a stay-at-home order for colds or something?
the big issue is that non-fatal illnesses are still fatal for immunocompromised people (like me) and can sometimes have massive health effects (i likely have MS from an epstein-barr infection). my hope is that Biden's administration would do *something* to protect us better.
What does that something look like to you?
Yeah, what do you want? And based on the country's response to COVID-19, do you think it'd be effective?
continued federal booster campaign, federal resources for local testing efforts, safer federal guidelines for return to work policy, better federal guidelines for public masking directives. i’d be way safer if people heard from the CDC “hey you should stay home and/or mask if you feel sick at all”
Like this thing that's on the CDC page?