
Wait, stop sending iron dome ammo? You just want Israelis to die. Be straight up about it. Holy shit, deploy US troops in Gaza??! You're off the deep end.
Gonna be honest even in my wildest dreams I didn’t think we’d ever see “US boots on the ground in Israel” from these cranks, but here we are.
Damn I'm glad you caught that cuz he blocked me pretty quick
"Actually literally" so you know it's a sound strategy. 🫨
Do you have ANYTHING constructive to add, or are you just trolling?
That's a question you should ask yourself, Brainiac. BTW, I'm Lebanese and didn't just discover the magical land of the Middle East in October. And because you haven't taken multiple hints from others, I'll bottom line it for you: Your ideas? They suck. All of them. Now go play a game of Battleship.
My stepdad is lebanese you asshole and I've had friends in and from lebanon since I was 12. And friends from Palestine since I was 9. If my ideas are bad then please help me make them better instead of being negative.
If your stepdad is Lebanese, that makes your ideas even more 😳. A basic knowledge of the history of the region and the Levant is like Lebanese 101. And I'd avoid any variation on "some of my best friends are..." Just spit balling here but, perhaps Mideast strategy isn't your thing. 🤔 Best of luck!
Un ironically this would actually be way better but also much, much less popular