
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
people forget that the military specifically targets poor kids for recruitment, using benefits/stability as a big draw, and therefore you have a lot of people in the military who would not otherwise choose to be there
and of course there are people who will moralize that decision by saying that folks don’t have a right to live comfortably through that route, but I just also don’t believe that folks born into situations they cannot control should be forced to suffer to ensure their morality remains pure
a somewhat cursed but true statement is that the us armed forces, especially in peacetime, are one of the greatest elevators to the middle class for the poor and minorities
And also one of the greatest forces in convincing white people who grow up surrounded by overt racists that hey, maybe other people ain't that bad.
yes! you literally see the world when you otherwise wouldn’t
i've had a very charming conversation with a neighbor about how much he enjoyed living in Germany and seeing the world. his father was a sharecropper and he owns his own home