Reasonable Steve

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Reasonable Steve

Existence is pain, #brands are a balm
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
The Riven remake is out!!! Hell yeah!!! Archeology puzzle perverts of the world, rejoice!
The number of pets dying that most people are capable of adjusting to over the course of a month: between zero and one The number of dying pets that the internet can show you in a month: tens of thousands
Lots of people saying "They should've called it The Legend of Link!" for obvious reasons, but I'm actually quite happy they kept it a Zelda game; it helps keep it from being a weird "side game" and makes it officially part of the franchise. No buts. It's a Zelda game. It goes on the stupid timeline.
Bluesky seems to suddenly be feeding me week-old posts over and over? That's... not great.
“A study that followed a cohort of nearly 34,000 women, found that those who frequently used chemical hair-straightening products, a majority of whom were Black women, were two and a half times as likely to develop uterine cancer as those who did not use the products.”
The Disturbing Truth About Hair They’ve been linked to reproductive disorders and cancers. Why are they still being marketed so aggressively to Black women?
Kenshi story time: I chopped a guy in half at the waist, darth maul style, and he just yelled ARGH and then called me a "shitter"
I am home sick, taking pain meds that I react poorly to, and this is your explanation for my increased density and variety of posts over a normal, functioning human being
Bluesky has now reached "posting criticality," where the quantity of quality posts and the variety of their authors is sufficient to self-sustain, that is, I no longer have to click away from this website if I want a constant stream of new stimuli
give me a star wars character and i'll rate their vibes
The rise of beefy women in media is just one symptom of a broader trend away from "daddy issues" and toward "mommy problems," in this essay I will
End of feed.