Rebecca Cokley

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Rebecca Cokley

Prince. Politics. Philanthropy. Kopite.

Disabled. Not a werewolf. 🇮🇪
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Medicaid Expansion is the reason I was able to get health insurance after six years of being uninsured. (tho it took Missouri years to expand Medicaid because Missouri Republicans don't want poor people to have health care)
Medicaid expansion? We could spend a few hours talking about how many people Medicaid expansion has kept alive. I'm one of them. In just the four years from 2014 to 2017, Medicaid expansion saved 19,200 lives of adults just between the ages of 55–64
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Here’s a thread of cool places you can donate to for my birthday. 1. The Potter’s House - it’s a nonprofit bookstore and cafe that also provides free meals to community members and does other community work.
Supporting The Potter's House — The Potter's Ways to donate to support The Potter's House's nonprofit work, mission, employees, and community.
2. The Autistic Self Advocacy Network - an autistic led nonprofit that does all kinds of advocacy and policy work for autistic folks and the broader disability community.
ASAN: Support our work!
4. The National Disabled Law Students Association - a disabled led nonprofit that provides community and does advocacy for disabled law students and early career legal professionals. Advocating for disabled law students.
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Annual shout to one of my favorite lines of arts reporting: On Nov. 14, 1965, Minneapolis Tribune entertainment columnist Will Jones quoted someone who’d seen a preview cut of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” who said it contained, among other things, “a fierce rock ‘n’ roll dance sequence.”
Struck by the notion that disabled people always give their literal lives to the work…. Because the system itself is set up in such a way that we have no other choice.
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Jon was one of the best scholars on disability I’ve worked with. I always came away from our engagements having learned far more than when I started.
Dr. Wyatte Hall, friend and collaborator of Dr. Jon Henner, just posted this interview with Jon. It was filmed shortly before he died. I recommend watching it and taking care as you do. Damn, I miss him.
VLAA Spotlight: Jon An interview with the late Jon Henner about his work and hopes for research.
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Last month, CenterPoint Energy installed massive utility poles on a sidewalk in Montrose, completely blocking the way for pedestrians. Now, the city says they will have to be removed in order to comply with ADA regulations.
Giant utility poles blocking Montrose sidewalk sparks CenterPoint Energy said the poles are part of a six-month plan to replace 46 structures around the neighborhood.
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Was so excited to spend time at the Love building in Detroit yesterday, meeting with a multitude of the amazing organizations, including the Detroit Justice Center and Detroit Disability Power!! #DisabilityAtFord
Hey #DisabilityBlueSky it’s lunch time. I’m on the Amtrak headed back to New York from DC. Today’s lunch is a Union in Station special , a #5 from McDonalds. What’s in your lunchbox? 🥗🌮
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There was no such thing as feudalism. We've known it for decades. 19 out of 20 students in my freshman seminar were all taught about feudalism in middle school. ARGH. [Free newsletter. Click, read, share, subscribe. Do not use the F word]
The Medieval F Everyone agrees feudalism is a lie, but
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When you go to New York Comic Con please wear an N95 mask or better to protect not just yourself but all the creators there who don’t have paid sick days and who may become too disabled to work if they get long covid. Protect our artists!
This is the first piece I ever got published, a love letter to my mom. And since it's #DwarfismAwarenessMonth, I feel like it's time to share it again. "We are the cartographers of our bodies, we know each measure of latitude and longtitude."
How My Mother Taught Me the Magic of Loving My Little Person Were you intentional in countering the messaging I’d get from the outside world when you’d talk to me? I never heard you say a negative thing about your body, not once.
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This summer Dwarf Athletic Assn had a basketball clinic at their annual games that was ran by the Globetrotters. Jahmani Swanson and his brother Justin Tompkins are so generous with their time, not just as players but as leaders in the community. Jumping Back Into Action
Harlem Globetrotters: Play It Forward Jumping Back Into Action - Google
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Friends of ours just welcomed new baby. Which means it’s time to do one of my favorite things—build a library. And I do what I always do, which is reach out to Harriett’s Bookshop and pull together a list of the best baby/childrens books from Bookshop.Org (I ❤️ Harriett’s)
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Preliminary results from the Denver Basic Income Project that's providing cash to hundreds of unhoused people for one year using the first 6 months of data: • NO ONE receiving $1,000/mo still sleeping outside • Full-time employment increased • Fewer visits to the ER • Fewer nights spent in jail
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KEEPING PEOPLE HOUSED & FED during rough periods of their lives is *cheaper* than incarcerating & hospitalizing them repeatedly when they’re shoved onto the streets. Always has been. Just give them the money. It saves money, even if “it’s just the right thing to do” never convinced you.
Preliminary results from the Denver Basic Income Project that's providing cash to hundreds of unhoused people for one year using the first 6 months of data: • NO ONE receiving $1,000/mo still sleeping outside • Full-time employment increased • Fewer visits to the ER • Fewer nights spent in jail
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There is no excuse for them to keep folks in poverty. I’m tired of it.
My latest at @thenation “the current structure of the program and its asset limits ensure that low-income seniors, disabled people, and their families, are never able to move away from a life of poverty” #DemolishDisabledPoverty #CripTheVote
Lawmakers May Finally Update Strict SSI Rules That Keep Families in Asset limits in the program have created a system in which millions of people cannot save money for their families or their future.
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it's eugenic, it is eugenic in intent that it is set up that way
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I've supported people on SSI for many years now and the amount of bullshit we have to wade through *just to keep them eligible to retain those benefits* is absurd. The worst is having to talk with two people on SSI who want to get married about what that means for their benefits.
My latest at @thenation “the current structure of the program and its asset limits ensure that low-income seniors, disabled people, and their families, are never able to move away from a life of poverty” #DemolishDisabledPoverty #CripTheVote
Lawmakers May Finally Update Strict SSI Rules That Keep Families in Asset limits in the program have created a system in which millions of people cannot save money for their families or their future.