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... or Beck or even Becky. Not very serious. Canadian, writes, still careful about covid, mother to some interesting young adults, generally kind. She/her.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
👇🇨🇦 Absolutely shameful for a national Canadian newspaper. These are the people who are #PeePee's base. #Conservatives #Misogynistic #Racist
One of my kids is 19 and is dangerously underweight and can't - for a lot of medically known reasons - self-regulate her eating and it has been a hard, hard summer over here. I need suggestions for breakfast and lunch ideas for a severely food averse person, please.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
person who's into vinyl records: ah the sound is so warm. beautiful person who's into cassette tapes: this sounds like garbage i love it
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
“If you have worked your whole life to be in the Olympics, the last thing you want is to be hit at the knees with a virus that eliminates you from competition or worse. Shouldn’t we expect the same for our patients? It boggles my mind that we have decided it is OK to infect susceptible people.”
Staying COVID-conscious is getting harder to do, advocates say that should Staying COVID-conscious is getting harder to do, advocates say that should change.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
Everyone Is Getting Covid In Summer 2024 Because Covid Is Over And Seasonal And Getting It Again Builds Your Immunity So You Won't Get It Again But You'll Definitely Get It Again This Winter And Maybe Next Summer Because It's Seasonal And Over But It'll Be Fine, Honestly, It's Fine.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
Created this free resource in 2011 and it's a great conversation starter with kids to help them identify who a safe adult is and how *they* can intervene for other kids who might be harmed. There's also an interactive video to facilitate discussion :
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
finally another way to identify the dads from "get out" in your life
Youngest kid - who is FINE, just faint-y - is drawing an over the top I AM SORRY FOR FAINTING IN YOUR OFFICE AGAIN card for our poor, poor family doctor.
Took youngest kid to the doctor today for a post-fainting-ambulance-trip-e.r. check-up and she FAINTED IN THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE, so my long weekend is off to a glowing start.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
About 1.8 billion years ago, a 10-15 km asteroid slammed into the area of present-day Sudbury and scattered debris for 1.6 million square kilometres. So how did that asteroid impact eventually lead to the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory? Let's learn more! 👇 🧵1/9
My husband's aunt died and her obituary is the most dismissively formulaic fill-in-the blanks, insultingly brief thing I have ever read and if that's what my obituary ends up being like, I will AGGRESSIVELY HAUNT my survivors.
Took youngest kid to the doctor today for a post-fainting-ambulance-trip-e.r. check-up and she FAINTED IN THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE, so my long weekend is off to a glowing start.
Youngest kid - who is 19 - has an ambulance bill in the mail (for $45) and the first time this happened, she was 4 and wailed "I can't pay this! I'm a child! I'm unemployed!"
I live in small town northern Ontario and one of the young adults who lives in my house is visibly non-gender conforming, which a household at the end of my street feels the need to comment on every time we walk by. What options do we realistically have?
Congratulations to my very expensive cat Penny, who topped off her previous 12 months (nearly dying from eating string, and getting severe parasites from eating some gross MOUSE) by spending the past week expensively being saved from nearly dying of CONSTIPATION, keep it up kitty.
Middle kid is off travelling for a month and so his beloved cat is suddenly and life-threateningly sick and the timing is just wretched.
I decided to make pancakes this morning and the online recipe I found promised to make 3 servings. "Ah ha!" I FOOLISHLY thought. "There are 3 people at home! That will be perfect!" and now, of course, I have dozens and dozens of wholewheat pancakes, a terrifying fairy tale amount.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
This is a really excellent and thorough survey conducted by a top research institution. Whether or not you’ve had COVID, please fill this out!
Johns Hopkins is doing a long-COVID survey and apparently is having trouble finding controls -- people who haven't had COVID. If this is you, consider giving them some clicks. thought you may want to boost.
Johns Hopkins COVID Long The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is conducting research about the COVID-19 pandemic. Participate in this one-time, 10-15 minute survey.
On this Father's Day, here is an incomplete list of the things my father - a flawed but interesting man - dropped off at my house (on, mercifully, separate occasions):
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
i will do it i will partake of the forbidden dungeons and dragons stew
New campaign, time to wash the dice.
Went to the convenience store tonight and had a woman who thinks that she is an actual psychic AND a medium be rude to me about being masked. A+, perfect outing.
Another thing on my cozy mystery series: my detective will go to a play and no one will be stabbed on stage.
I am going to make a cozy mystery series and it will be set in a winery and absolutely no dead bodies will be found in vats of wine, ever.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
Avatar "We deserve better than a vaccine-only strategy with poor vaccine uptake. We deserve a real strategy to mitigate COVID infections, halt the worsening of collective health, and restore the idea of disease elimination as a treasured achievement of the modern era."
COVID lulls aren't being earned by policy; they're being bought with infections and Celebrating a COVID lull years into the Biden Administration's utter abandonment is woefully out of touch with the science
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
The locals don't realize this greenhouse is actually my ship that crash landed centuries ago.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
last day of school. if even one student tries to talk to me i will shriek like donald sutherland at the end of invasion of the body snatchers.
So my youngest kid - who is 19 - came into the living room last night and collapsed and one terrifying ambulance ride later, she's mostly alright* and home again and I am extremely traumatized. What the hell, kid. *It was a vaso vagal reaction to an emotional upset, she's fine.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
Ontario’s feckless government is discontinuing wastewater disease surveillance. Let’s flood the Premier’s office with requests to maintain wastewater surveillance funding. The phone number to reach Doug Ford’s office: 416-325-1941 Be loud. #GetShitDone 😉
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
Please call and share this widely.
Email contact info to give Ford your feedback (and phone number again - because multiple calls work) Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Premier's Office: 416-325-1941
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca
Just cannot get it together to care about whether the Covid pandemic started in a lab or a wet market or your granny’s moonshine conference when we still don’t have a vax that actually breaks the chain of transmission.
I am going to make a cozy mystery series and it will be set in a winery and absolutely no dead bodies will be found in vats of wine, ever.