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Reprapper, robot enthusiast, and love some open source.

Designer of the Sylph Delta 3d printer

Can also find me on @[email protected] on Mastodon

My wife made this for my friends in Our Deep Space 9 binge
Considering my favorite classes are Eldritch knight fighter and War Magic Wizard, tracks. "So I started Blasting"
Hanging out at #rmrrf . If folks around come say hi I'm in north building on the second maker row. Got all my tpu gear and some delta parts talking nerd stuff. #rockymountainreprapfest
I got a really cool sensor that will be going into my next printer design. from fooling around with it with a multimeter, I got consistently good signals at low force. Meaning it should be effective for a tap probe. Reprap still going strong in the 3d printing world
Since I've been stuck quarantining for a few days I really like the chin horn blower concept and gives me way more airflow than other designs. For the cooker Thinking of calling it the Balor. Will be probably my best delta effector I've ever designed. Designed in Freecad for my delta printers
The controller for someone with this type of hand
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy--no selfies
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy--no selfies
Paying the cat tax for today, since she is being surprisingly polite today
End of feed.