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Reprapper, robot enthusiast, and love some open source.

Designer of the Sylph Delta 3d printer

Can also find me on @[email protected] on Mastodon

I had fresh Kielbasa from George's polish deli in Seattle and that was the juiciest sausage I have ever had in my life. It was so good! 🇵🇱🤤
Got to go on a trip to the San Juans yesterday and would be neat to get a bunch of Seattle friends and just vibe for a few days. Maybe sometime in August or early September.
Just got done with #rmrrf in Colorado today Time to mow take a nap and have some dinner with my friends. Got to show off delta printer hardware and talk soft robotics. Got big plans coming up!
Hanging out at #rmrrf . If folks around come say hi I'm in north building on the second maker row. Got all my tpu gear and some delta parts talking nerd stuff. #rockymountainreprapfest
Posted my e3d Revo/duet smart effector dual 30mm blower mount before #rmrrf I'll have my example at the show as well as some mag arms. www.printables.com/model/848965... #rockymountainreprapfestival #reprap
Getting back on, going to be at the Rocky Mountain Reprap Festival in Denver. Going to be super fun Need to post more over here lol.
Good news: my wife has the new job in the bag and we will be moving in the near future to Seattle. Bad News: rental car got stolen. Been dealing with that now. Just a waiting game while insurance does it's thing.
I got a really cool sensor that will be going into my next printer design. from fooling around with it with a multimeter, I got consistently good signals at low force. Meaning it should be effective for a tap probe. Reprap still going strong in the 3d printing world
So my wife has a final job interview at a really cool place in a few weeks in Seattle. Hoping this is the one. If so, we can do our longtime goal of getting out of the south.
Reposted byAvatar Ryn
Since I've been stuck quarantining for a few days I really like the chin horn blower concept and gives me way more airflow than other designs. For the cooker Thinking of calling it the Balor. Will be probably my best delta effector I've ever designed. Designed in Freecad for my delta printers
Me and my wife keep feeling this and having the talk. If a job comes that makes it possible, we are still probably going to leave TN. It may be soon. And when we do go, a lot of our friends will make the trip as well with the knowledge they have friends as well in the area.
"I just don't think that's going to happen."
Realizing how I have to limit myself now when eating stuff, alot of dairy without other dietary fiber or something will just mess me up. Makes navigating a potluck hard lol
just been bleh recently from working too much, cant even print stuff as all my profiles got messed up when transfering from old computers. Have some stuff to print for the Rocky Horror group here in Memphis. Will need to get back on the horse soon.
I don't eat vegetables
my Bushwick investment property
E3D just dropped high temp Revo nozzles for the other 3D printing enthusiasts who like to be extra. Can get up to 500C and the nozzles are already hardened. Pricey but if you are printing with fancy filaments that need it, the filament alone costs at least 3x a full single nozzle kit
E3De3d-online.com E3D launches the High-Temperature Revo range enabling users to print up to 500°C.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy--no selfies
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy--no selfies
I loved this thread from bird folks. Great if you wanted to have a Crow Army, or a Raven bestie
It seems to me that the time is ripe for a Bluesky thread about how—and maybe even why—to befriend crows. (1/n)
When working a long project for day job and days run together from lack of sleep and such. So looking forward to seeing my wife and my small cat. At least the food is good.
Still doing stuff with design for a new printer, been busy with day job for much bigger robots so delayed 😔 Was able to figure out the necessary math for my new #deltaprinter design so you put in stuff in #freecad and dont need external calculator. Could even print the corners #reprap
Paying the cat tax for today, since she is being surprisingly polite today
First post on the bluesky Big on #3dprinting and #reprap design. also a big #freecad fan and #robotcombat enthusiast. Not sure if I'm doing stuff right but will figure it out.
End of feed.