
David Gregory on the Republicans' speaker mess: “How long are Democrats going to stand by in the world of identity politics, and zero-sum politics, and not be part of any solution?”
CNN's David Gregory blames Democrats' adherence to "identity politics" for Republicans' speaker
Reminds me of when I was a kid and was frustrated with how I felt neglected/unloved when my sister would throw a tantrum and get what she wanted while I had to do without or otherwise not respond to her. My dad would say, "You know how your sister is..." I ALWAYS had to be the "reasonable" one.
And this stayed the pattern all the way to adulthood. If I respond to her in a way that is not perfectly even emotionally, then 'I' am the bad guy. She pours and screams and causes anxiety attacks in those around her, and that's just described as "you know how your sister is."
I had to learn to just not give up MY needs for her wants. Pissed off my whole family in the process. But I am much happier now, and I don't have to cater to her irrational whims anymore. I see the same pattern in politics. Accepting responsibility for someone else's tantrum solves NOTHING!