
David Gregory on the Republicans' speaker mess: “How long are Democrats going to stand by in the world of identity politics, and zero-sum politics, and not be part of any solution?”
CNN's David Gregory blames Democrats' adherence to "identity politics" for Republicans' speaker
the republicans put forth a guy who allowed a baseless impeachment proceeding against the president and a guy who was directly involved in the attempt to overthrow the government and the guy who is david duke without the baggage and the dems are supposed to say "yeah we can work with that"
how about asking when the republicans are going to pull their heads out of their asses first david it is just a suggestion
maybe not put forth a fuckin guy who turned a blind eye to sexual abuse of college athletes for a start david do u think maybe that is a good start
Also, besides the whole OSU thing and the trying to overturn the election thing, he's an asshole who isn't very smart and has no business in Congress to begin with.
also he has trumps backing which maybe david is fine with but i must tell u a farmer i am not fine with it
very fun how the media has decided that because he did not resign this issue is now moot and should never be brought up again darth good system they clearly learned a lot from covering trump
Or here’s a wild idea darth™️, maybe David should ask the Republicans to put aside their “identity politics” and offer the Democrats something for their votes? Y’know, like actual negotiators do when looking for a solution?
"The wolves eating people's faces party is now asking the opposing party to send more wolves to stop the wolves currently eating their faces"
Gregory seems to think Dems should vote for Gym.
That's a pretty huge ask, Darth!
these people are so tiresome in their throaty belief that democrats are still responsible for the republican inability to get along with each other
Look, you can hardly expect the Republicans to govern, they never promised to do that
Sometimes—some of them, anyway—they seem to briefly come up for air. And say something that demonstrates they realize that they're acting like a bunch of squabbling two-year-olds. But then they take another deep breath, put their head down again & descend back into the mud.
I love the quotes from ostensible moderates who are all "this is so embarrassing for the caucus, this is so bad for the country" and then someone asks "are you gonna do something about it" and they're like "WHOA WHOA WHOA where did that come from?"
How long is David Gregory going to spend his life with two first names without picking one?
just as i feared: ignoring me has gone woke
aa de hallovine did u see clara arrived???
followed her immediately. now this is a real place.
It's just MadLibs at this point.
Actually, my good doctor, it's the cons who are mad.
Do the House Democrats have Friday karaoke day? If they do, Phil Collins wrote a nice song for them
Fucking David Gregory. 🙄Are Republicans children who need Democrats to help them do the most basic parts of their job? Stop sending arsonists to Congress.
darth, I don't think David realizes which party has a problem.
can you imagine a political party engaging in zero-sum gamesmanship?
Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?
3rd party presidential candidates won't inspire a breakdown of the two party system but this speaker situation might
It's almost zen-like how good some people are at blaming the dems for everything. Their minds must be completely empty. If only we could achieve such inner peace.
"Who shot Hannibal?" Only it's the media asking."How could the Demcrats do this?"
I'm left wondering what they think is gonna happen if the Democrats have to help them elect a Speaker. That's not free. It's not just "they get the person they want." That's what other countries might call a "coalition government."
C'mon, that is Stretch's go to move. You had to see that coming. Press Corpse 101
I guess the axiom is always true, darth. "Even when it's clearly the Republicans' fault, it's the Dems' fault, without exception."
permanent minority-party brain
I know what the Democrats need to do. It's so simple!
where did they find his dusty ass? In the sacked, shitty MTP host closet?
i do not miss him as the meet the press person
Reminds me of when I was a kid and was frustrated with how I felt neglected/unloved when my sister would throw a tantrum and get what she wanted while I had to do without or otherwise not respond to her. My dad would say, "You know how your sister is..." I ALWAYS had to be the "reasonable" one.
And this stayed the pattern all the way to adulthood. If I respond to her in a way that is not perfectly even emotionally, then 'I' am the bad guy. She pours and screams and causes anxiety attacks in those around her, and that's just described as "you know how your sister is."
I had to learn to just not give up MY needs for her wants. Pissed off my whole family in the process. But I am much happier now, and I don't have to cater to her irrational whims anymore. I see the same pattern in politics. Accepting responsibility for someone else's tantrum solves NOTHING!
so W is in the news again and we have to bring back stretch too?