Richelle Sepulveda

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Richelle Sepulveda

Long Covid, MECFS, ADHD, etc.

Patient-led research is my jam.

A bit obsessed with GIP.
"Without the kid in the hole, Omelas was just paradise. With the load-bearing, suffering child, Omelas meant something." That was definitely the holy shittiest of Holy Shits you will ever read. I'm in rage tears, no lie.
I haven’t shared this here before but I’m actually in the CIA and I need you to bring me $50k cash in a shoebox.
this is the best take i’ve seen so far about the personal finance columnist for NY Mag who gave the "CIA" guy $50,000 in a shoebox
But here’s the problem. *There is no way to renounce a Hugo.* I can make threads until I’m blue in the face, and I will still be listed as the winner. There is no mechanism in WSFS for me or any of us to go find the Chinese writer with the most nominations and hand over the win.
I just learned this; maybe everyone else already knew, but you can use from:me in search and then whatever terms to find things in your own post feed 🤩 lifesaver
Before I started following specific people, my feed here was a good 94% furries. Not MY thing, but knowing furries felt comfortable to just be themselves here was one of the reasons I felt comfortable here myself.
As someone raised in the fires of early 00s forums, seeing furry art in feeds where I least expect it is like seeing wolves thriving in Yellowstone again. A healthy furry population is the sign of effective rewilding efforts.
I think could be Ben Franklin reincarnated. Probably Ben would at very least be a devoted fan.
Ben Franklin would be out there posting lewds.
So you probably won't hear much about it here since the disability & chronic illness communities are still pretty much on Twitter--HOWEVER Please allow me, your token neighborhood sick person, to tell you what a BIG FUCKING DEAL this is If you're just tuning in, I'll add more details/context next-
Another advocacy win! After pushback from disability and Long COVID advocates, the Census Bureau halted survey changes that would artificially reduce disability numbers by 40%, and limit access to resources for housing, schools, program benefits etc.
The Census Bureau halts changing how it asks about disabilities following a Facing a growing backlash, the U.S. Census Bureau has halted plans to change how it asks people about disabilities.
Analysis of excess deaths reveals hundreds of thousands of uncounted COVID deaths across U.S. 🍁 The most important health news, in one place.
I guess I should hang out on this site a bit more often. It's just not been great for breaking news, and with all its problems, the other site still has that, to an extent.
I know True Detective: Night Country is probably going to end in some miasma of ooky-spooky vagueness but I have enjoyed every minute of the first four hours and do not miss all the gnomic hetero-dude posturing a bit. I'll take angry-lady quasi-scandi-icecube-noir any time!
The problem is that this usually happens when you have an urgent deadline that has nothing to do with penguins.
ADHD hyperfocus is wild because you decide to google one thing & then suddenly 4 days have gone by and you are an expert on the migration patterns of penguins.
I kinda feel like this is an early relationship test. Does the person put the cart away, or do they inconsiderately leave it for the cart wrangler, or as a obstacle/danger to everyone else in the parking lot?
What to do
Six of my novels were used to train AI without my consent, and without giving me compensation. To me, using AI is like buying fenced stolen goods. You know it was stolen (because, hey, this deal is too good to be true!) but you look away for convenience. You are not going to convince me otherwise
Font designers, I know this is not the first time I have complained about this, but I beg of you, I really need to be able to see at a glance whether we're talking about Weird Mr. Yankovic or Weird Artificial Intelligence, this COMES UP FREQUENTLY GIVEN THE NERD LIFE I CHOSE OR FINE IT CHOSE ME
I can just imagine Elon screaming at his engineers about all the gross, dirty, zero shine Cybertruck photos about how he told them to use "stainless steel" not normal dirty steel.
No one appreciates a good flashlight until you’re forced to make do with a shitty one in an urgent situation
i’m not gonna lie, r/flashlight is one of my favorite subreddits - they have a deep, genuine love of flashlights, have fantastic advice, organize swaps. i’ve got great flashlights because of that crew.
"I don’t know how to put it any more clearly. 'If trump is taken off the ballot his supporters will respond with violence' is literally saying the law is whatever fascists want it to be because you're afraid of them." A good piece that you should read.
This is one of my favorite paintings. Partly for the complete ridiculousness, but also because I so completely understand the lady who tried to fix the painting. Messing something up accidentally, then desperately trying to fix it before anyone noticed, without any of the requisite experience...
the painting on the left is incredible, but unfortunately has deteriorated over time. thankfully, with the power of modern AI, we can recreate what this amazing work of art once looked like in full
oooooh this looks like fun! a good way to spend my audio credits stockpiling even more odd non-fiction.
If you're a writer or other creator with a tall stack of unread nonfiction you bought for research, might I suggest my Worldbuilder's Book Club reading challenge? I've chosen twelve prompts to help you deepen different aspects of your created worlds! (StoryGraph link in the following post!)
One of the quotes of the year: "But let’s be clear: this 'burnout' that secure scholars are feeling is phantom pain where their colleagues should be."
A Profession, If You Can Keep Imagined meritocracies mean little to extractive institutions.
Me: “I want to go camping in some haunted woods with friends!” Also Me: “…but they better have a big ass tent or camper because we are all sleeping in the same damn structure.”
New paper calls for "The Psychology of Science" "As a subdiscipline of psychology, the psychology of science should fit within the existing divisions of its discipline (as do the philosophy, sociology and history of science)." #PhilSci #HistSci #STS
You must have of history, philosophy, maybe sociology of science. What about psychology of science? Are the inner factors of scientists not an important area to study? I disagree and propose an agenda for psychology of science here: at
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — South Africa launches case at UN's top court accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.