
someone tell the economist about FDR
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
remember how FDR was too infirm to govern, and so when he died in the middle of fighting a world war the US completely collapsed and was overrun by nazis and the japanese empire and the man in the high castle happened
the economist, and the NYT, and round about half of the population, give or take, just can't imagine having a leader whom they can't squint at and imagine a Hollywood Chris they are stuck in an essentially monarchist and childish view of how authority operates: it must be vested in a strongman
I know why we don't, more or less, but I wish we could stop looking at the presidency as a *person* and instead look at it as a team effort. Who will this person hire? Which people do you hope to see in those roles? I don't have to like the guy in front of the cameras.