
someone tell the economist about FDR
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
remember how FDR was too infirm to govern, and so when he died in the middle of fighting a world war the US completely collapsed and was overrun by nazis and the japanese empire and the man in the high castle happened
the economist, and the NYT, and round about half of the population, give or take, just can't imagine having a leader whom they can't squint at and imagine a Hollywood Chris they are stuck in an essentially monarchist and childish view of how authority operates: it must be vested in a strongman
I know why we don't, more or less, but I wish we could stop looking at the presidency as a *person* and instead look at it as a team effort. Who will this person hire? Which people do you hope to see in those roles? I don't have to like the guy in front of the cameras.
i’m never getting over “a Hollywood Chris”
hey chuds: before commenting, stop and think about how someone (probably not you, but put yourself in an adult's shoes) can care about two things at once)
Pretty clear that they would have absolutely hated FDR too and would have smeared him with far worse
This is so offensive. It isn't just ageist, it is rabidly anti-human and anti-disability. WE ALL AGE. WE ALL SICKEN AT SOME POINT. Biden has done miracles with our society and economy against the worst odds EVER. We are facing such evil, monied enemies it boggles the mind.
the walker as shorthand for old and useless is such a grotesque insult--and by extension it's pretty clear what the editors of the economist think of anyone who has to use one who isn't already old
so the 46 Administration that has overseen the strongest economic recovery post COVID in the world and in doing so, is keeping Western civilization afloat by restoring the middle class and fixing and building new infrastructure is suddenly unable to run the country? mmmkay... sure.
oh you mean it's more than just one man???
perhaps those peeps over at the Economist don't get that team concept thingy. It's not as if we have a Monarchy in play over here ;-)
Yeah. “Here, the candidate is a rapist, convicted felon, liar, con artist, menace to democracy, and can’t string two sentences together without saying something cray cray.” But look over there, everybody! The other guy is old! OMG!
it's all about what they are able to respect!
Can’t imagine, say, Scientific American running a similar cover with Stephen Hawking…
but also can't imagine the economist thinking it would be seemly to be led by a paralyzed man in a wheelchair, no matter how smart he was
You gotta love it when the same boomers are like, "you can't do this you don't have enough experience.", then turn around and print some shit like this. Ain't that about a bitch.
They’re British. And very neoliberal. We can ignore them.
oh, good to know no one in these united states of america ever reads this magazine, and just because you feel comfortable ignoring them everyone else will too cool cool cool
Or Winston Churchill, Konrad Adenauer, Charles de Gaulle, (or RBG, or Mitch McConnell, or Greg Abbott, or …)
Or fucking JFK, fercrissakes.