
I say this bc I feel your pain: log off and go for a walk watch a movie and hang out with some friends or family in 1943 we were getting our asses handed to us every time we engaged the Nazis in battle and the Pacific was still very much a tossup we’re gonna get through this
My Great Gandfather was a ww2 fighter pilot and raised me. I know exactly what you're talking about... but its a 2nd hand knowledge passed down from the Greatest Generation to a Millennial. The history tells me we had cohesion back then. Modern Eyeballs say we just did a beer hall putsch on Jan 6
yup. the point of saying shit was bad in the past but we got through it is to fully acknowledge that shit is bad now and if you don’t think we’ll get through it, then you’re fucking useless to everyone. at the very least start a support group for people to cry about it together. be productive
I think we can get through it but there's so much damage. I am one random ass powerless weirdo in a poop mask on the internet who was stupid enough to open their eyes and try to understand just w.t.f. is actually going on. Lovecraft was onto something the human mind can't handle that kinda horror.
Definitely needed this today. I'm not giving up.