R. A. Meenan (Sammie)

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R. A. Meenan (Sammie)


Furry Author AKA R.A. Meenan | BOOKS: https://www.zyearth.com/ | ADHD, She/they, pan/demi | Awoken Hunter | FWG Coffeehouse Host | SFWA Member
how could phone polling companies POSSIBLY adjust their polling to account for the fact that younger voters, who are more likely to vote left, are absolutely not answering their phones for a phone number they don't recognize?
#WritingCommunity Do you edit everything at the end of a draft or do you edit as you go? I edit as I go, so I have a pretty polished draft once I finish. :)
I've got six slots left for this month & a debt payment due next week I would really love to sell out this week so I can make that debt payment a big one!
These custom death scenes will be 500 words each For $30, I'll write you a death of MY choosing For $50, YOU get to choose the death I write for you Some of the fun deaths on my list: Sacrificed to a dark god Liquefied by science ray Tried to pet a lion/tiger/bear ko-fi.com/post/New-Mon... 2/4
New Month, New Murders!ko-fi.com Dianna Gunn published a post on Ko-fi
Good morning. Get outside. Even for a few minutes. Let the sun kiss your face. Turn off the phone and listen to the birds. Stare at something green and good. It won't fix everything. But it will give you renewed strength for the day. Love you all. ❤️
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
Hope, optimism, and happiness are absolutely vital to survival and endurance. Do not discount them. Do not dismiss them. Cultivate them. It is okay to not feel them all the time, of course. It would be impossible. But every scrap and morsel you can cultivate is worthwhile and nourishing.
I was gonna work on these two stories this week. But One is about the sole survivor of a violent and bloody genocide. The other is about a child survivor of a massive drug smuggling bust who falls to manipulation. I just don't have the heart for either right now.
Two more short stories to edit and then I'm ready to put out yet ANOTHER anthology. XD This one has been a long time coming, lol. Then on to these guys. >> #FurryWriting #FurryArt #WritingCommunity
I listened to this the whole way through and I really needed it today, badly. There are definitely reasons to be concerned and you *should* be concerned and you should not be complacent, but the situation is not as bleak and hopeless as many are saying it is. Don't give up.
Wow, I did NOT expect to be facing the memories of an incredibly problematic writing group I left years ago popping up today, but here we are...
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Old man blows up his jewels.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Portal fantasy, but with a group of 90s Generation X-ers as the protagonists.
This series is awesome, everyone, go buy it!!
Hi! I'm a trans author with a young adult furry fantasy series called The Resonance Tetralogy <3 Redwall meets Avatar The Last Airbender: Swords and sorcery, ancient cataclysms, aged secrets, foxes, dragons, dark machines, and above all else, hope. www.inspired-quill.com/product/legacy
Legacy (Resonance Series #1) (Hugo Jackson) | Inspired Quillwww.inspired-quill.com Buy Legacy now and support an LGBTQ owned indie press. For every 10 copies sold via our site, we donate 1 to a charity.
That kids “can’t handle” difficult subjects so their stories should all be sunshine and lollipops. This does a great disservice to kids by 1) assuming they’re less intelligent and resilient than they are and 2) leaving them with no resources to understand these topics when they run into them young
what’s a #kidlit opinion that gets you like this
I love getting up early and spending an hour gardening. I get to see all the cool bugs and animals, smell the flowers, check on my veggies and just start the day with a clean slate. It's precious. ❤️
I love that everything is just continuing as normal. The way it should be.
This bothers me so much
I wish I could sell books, yes. But mostly my aim is exist in this space as a disabled, ND writer, doing my thing, saying it like it is, fucking up sometimes, getting it right at others. #WriterThreads
Did this with my story Facets of Color. I left it for YEARS before going back, and felt much more confident when tackling it again. The story is a thousand times better. One of my favorites now!
Abandoning a WIP doesn’t mean you're giving up. It's okay to pick it up later when the time feels right, or your skills feel more suited.
If you feel doomed and helpless. Make a list of actions you can take RIGHT NOW Who are the people nearby you that feel safe. Reach out to them. Go spend the evening together. You're terrified? Okay lets address it. Make a go-bag. Put action to your fear. You are an adult. You are not helpless.
Two more short stories to edit and then I'm ready to put out yet ANOTHER anthology. XD This one has been a long time coming, lol. Then on to these guys. >> #FurryWriting #FurryArt #WritingCommunity
Do you use Firefox? In the new Firefox 128 there's a box, *on by default*, for a feature that collects info about the ads you've seen as you browse and sends it directly to the ad companies. (Chrome has this too, but doesn't enable it without a disclosure/consent box.) I recommend you turn it off:
Fun to think about the fact that the threat of banning pornography might decide the U.S. election.
Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan by former and likely future leaders of a Trump administration to remake America in a conservative mold while dramatically expanding presidential power and allowing Trump to use it to go after his critics. Here’s what it entails and how it could reshape America.
What is Project 2025?www.washingtonpost.com It’s a blueprint for what a second Trump administration could look like, dreamed up by his allies and former aides. Here are some of the proposals.
I don't even go there, and this is still the funniest shit
I've seen many artists being cruel abt other's prices lately. It's fine to think something is overpriced or out of your budget, but so rude to say that on their posts. If ppl are willing to spend that for the art then well done to that artist 🎨🐻 #OldBearComics #TheBearMinimum
Oh, this is TERRIFYING.
On that “data centers don’t consume water” talking point.
Self-described “gay furry hackers” breached the Heritage Foundation in an attempt to undermine Project 2025, so of course an executive director at the right-wing think tank threatened them as “degenerate perverts” who would face God’s punishment and the FBI.
Heritage Foundation Exec Threatens ‘Gay Furry Hackers’ in Unhinged Textswww.rollingstone.com Mike Howell of Heritage Foundation went at gay furry hacking collective SiegedSec after data breach motivated by Project 2025.
Least sociopathic LinkedIn post ever Like infinite monkeys with typewriters eventually you get a LinkedIn post that makes sense