
racism is so deeply embedded in America that the Republican response to a brilliant, moderate, technocratic black man becoming President was to build a cult of personality around the single worst white man in the country and attempt to make him dictator for life
you could even look at everything coming out of the right since 2016 as an effort to prevent an obama from ever happening again
It was so ugly, and so crudely BLATANT that it shocked me so much I re-examined all my political beliefs, and ended up on the opposite side of the spectrum. Until the Obama admin I'd been an (uneasy) conservative and reliable R voter for two decades. Since then I'm a fire-breathing lefty D voter.
I applaud your conscience and willingness to examine your beliefs. I wish your former conservative republican brethren could do the same.
I feel like I was suckered by the "conservative" con game (because I was) I was raised in, and I could tear up every vote I cast for those first years. Best I can do is never miss a chance to vote against the bastards again. I don't, and I won't.
That silly 2016 debate "say something nice about the other candidate" question was deeply unfair to Clinton. Trump has no redeeming qualities!
just about everything that sucks in America can be connected back to racism as to why it sucks.
Though in America's defense, said black man won over 51% of the popular vote twice and worst white man has never won a majority of the popular vote.
"America was CAPABLE of electing a Black President, but it sure as fuck wasn't READY for one"
This is exactly it... the citizenry was ready for a Black president, Barrack was popular and had good approval among the majority of voters, but for the rich elite who run this nation and the bigoted groups that simp for them they were not ready at all and collapsed the system that made it possible.
I remember all the things they said (I.e. made up) that were bad about Obama ended up being actually true about Trump. Zero shame in this hell country
If it turns out Trump was born in Kenya I will die laughing
I didn't come up with this, though I can't recall where I read it. But the belief is out there (and I'm sold) that Donald Trump is truly the last president of the Confederacy.
I still think about how the Republicans wrote that strategy about how to reach minority voters and then 4 years later threw it in the garbage when Trump was winning the primary
Sure, Obama has become a little lib cringe in hindsight but if that was an offence, there would be ten people left in the Democratic Party
Obama was, unfortunately, pretty milquetoast and at best naive in a lot of ways, and still managed to absolutely terrify the fuck out of the right.
Republicans are so racist they force Democrats to run an old rich white man...
The can't really prevent another one, of course, just as they couldn't stop him then. But they can leverage him as precedent to cement the idea that Barack freaking Obama is how much farther out of the ball park a black man must hit it than a white dude. Which is the point of the "DEI" shouting.
Its so deeply embedded in America that most political journalist are completely unable to acknowledge it. Even to this day.