
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
I maintain that anyone who is able to put together a political coalition that can actually solve this problem will be treated as a deity "yes, I murdered a puppy, but I also fixed spam calls" "let us re-elect you with 95% of the vote"
The problem with that is politicians are one of the biggest sources of spam calls every election seasons.
And a dude working for Biden literally just got convicted on a robo-scam call schtick.
I've seen it reported before that pollsters are actually more likely than actual scam calls to show up on caller ID as scams, because the polling companies don't do shady stuff to make them hard to return their calls, so marking it spam actually sticks.
My platform: Crack down on scam callers National high speed rail Postal banking I sweep 54 states and the Supreme Court personally hand me my crown so that I my coronate myself
The problem is this: National high speed rail is probably a 25-35 year project bc we have completely impoverished our public sector infrastructure construction. We don't have the workforce trained to do it. A four year term is just inadequate to accomplish anything significant
Aren’t long term projects still capable of being initiated/funded though eg: the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 ?
Yes. The problem we have is that we allocate the money for a project, realize we don't have the skilled workforce to actually do it, then spend 15% of the budget training workers just in time for the next administration to cancel the project and point out that we have nothing to show for the money
Voters need tangible things so they can see how cool it is. Like, a high speed line from Indianapolis to Pittsburgh through Dayton and Columbus could probably be done in a term if the planning was ready to roll on day one of a presidency.
I figure if the American voter can stomach the F-35 and its 2 trillion dollar price tag for a bunch of dogshit planes, then I don’t think it’s unreasonable for them to be able to deal with it taking more than a few to achieve transcontinental connectivity
bring back single issue candidates! “i will get this one thing done, and then i will leave office” would be a powerfully attractive thing.
I hate scam calls being all the calls I receive but I can mostly ignore my phone. I think for the puppy murdering tier you’d have to… I don’t know… remove popup advertising from mobile websites
Add in removing the pop-under ads and they'll get my vote.
They’re getting smarter. I have had spam calls that spoofed my office central switchboard. Gotta answer that.
My suspicion is that too much of the funding for politicians in the US comes from tactics that would probably get hit with any sensible anti spam programs..
Are you saying Kristi Noem still has options?
you might be cooking here
practically begged my congressional candidate to run on fixing the phones in 2022 she decided to hug the cops instead and got crushed
They have already moved to text messages… I get 15+ spam texts a day. It’s eventually all going to be spam.
This is the problem, nobody has tried sacrificing a puppy to make it stop
Take it easy there, Mitt-ezuma.
That's exactly what a spam caller would say