
everyone involved with this investigation is a monster and deserves to have their own lives destroyed instead unfathomable cruelty, for no reason at all
Norton's daughter had been living her life, playing volleyball, and going to school. Planning a future. She was beloved by her peers and had been elected class president twice. Then her life was absolutely destroyed for no reason whatsoever by anti-trans zealots.
and that wouldn’t even fix it. i would love everyone to consider that one bad thing from high school they just can’t forget even though they’re 40. now imagine a whole institution did it to you. all the adults. for months. and you never got to bounce back; you had to quit & go to school at home.
yeah, "destroyed her life" is not an exaggeration unfathomable what they did to her
We can and should name the people who did this. Here, the biggest guy responsible was an unelected board member who was appointed to the board by Desantis twice after the voters of Broward didn't vote for him. He contacted the police and started this entire bizarre gestapo-style investigation
fuck this guy in every way but the literal physical one he deserves shunning
you’re probably correct. i’m coming in a little hotter on it in a way that i can’t ethically condone but also cannot deny. i truly don’t care for feeling bone deep hatred, but here we are.
I am barely clinging to my own pacifism these days, but I am all in for a good shunning and maybe a shame bell
He deserves a chance meeting with a bag full of citrus fruit.
We are at the beginning of a queer genocide in America and they are targeting our most vulnerable members of the queer community first. Trans youth.
micah, i do not understand how anyone with their own children could feel okay in the mirror or the eyes of their god working to do this to a child, no matter how objectionable they find her. how could you, at the very least, *as a parent* not recognize the evil in that?
We've been very effectively dehumanized by the right.
The right has dehumanized everyone who isn't the. Like both Micah and I have said, conservatives fundamentally lack empathy. Anyone who isn't a white male in at least the upper middle class who *claims* to be a Christian isn't considered human. Even conservative women don't think that women count. +
But yeah, queer people, especially trans folks, are the worst in their mind.
They’d have to be halfway decent parents to begin with, is the thing, not just obsessed with authority and control.
I have hope she'll be able to move on, but it’s going to be so much harder of a life now. Thank God her mom is supportive.
This! Like Jamie said, this was a systematic ruining of an innocent girl’s life that’s lasted months.
And the icing on the cake is that her mother is a school board employee who likely will lose her job for supporting her daughter.
This really rings true. Transphobic abuse from school lasts. It deeply imprints on the human psyche.
my point is it doesn’t have to be transphobic. cis folks won’t have that memory. cis folks “just asking questions” prolly *do* have a high school horror they still can’t let go of. who doesn’t? i want them to think on it. imagine it ate their whole life. that’s where “just asking questions” leads.
A number of years ago I watched my local school board attempt to dox a trans eighth-grader, and it changed something in me on a molecular level.
The whole point is to be cruel to discourage others from daring to live a life that does not comply with the beliefs of these bigots.
A lot of people will scoff and disregard this comment as hyperbole. It's not.
The comments on that article are so evil, rushing to justify destroying a child's life and not even grasping the basic facts of the situation. It's so sad how many people are so eager to hate us for any reason.
The cruelty justifies itself to these people.
Those bigoted fucks. I'm so glad this young woman has such a supportive mum, but she should NEVER have had to go through this.
Even among those who believe trans athletes are an issue, you’d think they would see this as an unreasonable cost
The reason for the cruelty is cruelty for the sake of cruelty for the sake of cruelty for the sake of cruelty
So cruel. And commenters on X about this are horrible as well.
Oh wow When I first saw quotes about “destroying her life” I thought she’d killed herself So the moment of relief that didn’t happen is in contrast to the immense rage I feel at everyone involved
Cruelty is the point, the goal, and the reason. Many conservatives are complete sadists. They pine for the opportunity to inflict suffering on "lessers". It's vile.