Jessica Kant

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Jessica Kant

Researcher, therapist, heavily caffeinated. Frequently described as a bit of a handful. 🖤 (She/her) 🏳️‍⚧️
The totally homicidal parts of his speech have appropriately received the most attention but the grievance list really drives home who he is appealing to: people who perceive the remote possibility that they may be held accountable for their own actions as the most egregious affront they imaginable.
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
The world feels extra crushing right now, and it's hard not to turn that inward when we've been conditioned to do so for generations. I don't know who else needs to hear this, but to the whole trans community and everyone in it: this is not your fault. You deserve so, so much better than this.
If you don't instantly recognize this sort of vindictive, over-the-top display of actively cutting off someone's contact with the outside world, count yourself extremely lucky.
"Posts show Bayswater members describing how they destroyed their children’s possessions, restricted their internet access or sent them to conversion therapy – all in an effort to ‘stop’ them being trans."
‘One day they may thank us for that “abuse”’: Inside the Bayswater… On Discord, parents discussed destroying their children’s belongings and blocking access to Childline to ‘stop’ them being trans
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This. And what really devastates and angers me about Labour in Britain is that they have thrown trans people under the bus for the sake of a wafer-thin electoral advantage. Ask any canvasser - it barely ever comes up on the doorstep. This allyship and humanity would have cost them so little.
Can't stop thinking about the buckling of centrist parties under the pressure of the anti-trans crucible. Not because they believe differently now but because they can't handle pressure. They cosplayed allyship for years, and it never occurred to them that they might have to actually do something.
Can't stop thinking about the buckling of centrist parties under the pressure of the anti-trans crucible. Not because they believe differently now but because they can't handle pressure. They cosplayed allyship for years, and it never occurred to them that they might have to actually do something.
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“Pitching tents in public places is violence” is an interesting line of reasoning to follow as climate change and rising rents displace more people, as cities grow increasingly aggressive about criminalizing their homeless populations, and as more climate and war refugees arrive.
Reposted byAvatar Jessica Kant
Inspiring! 💫 40-year-old trans woman tells of her gender euphoria at reliving the girlhood she never had by throwing up in grotty club toilet at 2am while her friend holds her hair after crying her eyes out because the guy she slept with was an asshole, realising a dream of 25 years 🏳️‍⚧️💪✨
Regular reminder that the courts are not your friends, and there is no direct relationship between what is legal and what is just.
Reposted byAvatar Jessica Kant
This article spends 800 words attempting to make you forget an extremely basic fact that it acknowledges in the third paragraph.
This is exactly it. To the NHS and those holding their puppet strings, trans lives are worth less than cisgender feelings. They are treated as expendable, so long as cisgender quality of life may be at all impacted in any way. It is outrageous.
They want to cover this shit up, paper over it, and keep spewing lies, because they think dead trans kids aren’t just an acceptable loss to “save” cis kids, but ultimately the preferred outcome. We have to keep shouting about the risks and dangers to our community that are happening right now.
If you haven't been following what's happening in the UK, the Good Law Project has announced that they've been in contact with multiple whistleblowers from the NHS GIDs and have learned of sixteen young people who have died since the initial Bell ruling in 2020, after which blockers were paused.
Norton's daughter had been living her life, playing volleyball, and going to school. Planning a future. She was beloved by her peers and had been elected class president twice. Then her life was absolutely destroyed for no reason whatsoever by anti-trans zealots.
In a pandemic, every prevented infection can, in turn, prevent an incalculable chain reaction— this is murder on an international scale. These are crimes against humanity and must be treated as such.
When I worked at as a barista, a woman came in and asked for her coffee to be "extra hot". By law, we were only able allowed to go up to 192°, so I made it as hot as we could. When I handed the scalding cup to her, she demanded it hotter. When I couldn't, she tried to dump it on my head.
I’m totally on board with this. Customer entitlement is totally out of control and making *threats* to a worker?? No.
South Seattle barista responds to customer’s threats with a “At what point are we told we’re supposed to just wait for it to get worse.”
"If it was Them, then nothing was anyone’s fault. If it was Us, what did that make Me? After all, I’m one of Us. I must be. I’ve certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We’re always one of Us. It’s Them that do the bad things." -- Jingo, TP
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wake up bluesky a new utah snitch line just dropped (you'll need a vpn if you're outside utah for this one)
Thanks to you people, I'm now 20 books deep into the discworld series, and Small Gods was a masterpiece.
Discworld QOTD, from Small Gods “It's hard to explain," said Brutha. "But I think it's got something to do with how people should behave... you should do things because they're right. Not because gods say so. They might say something different another time.”
Honestly, I get some of my best recommendations for lgbtq-inclusive media from the AFA.
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BREAKING: Doctor who trans kids' medical records faces four felony counts. Eithan Haim, who claims to be a victim of political persecution, maintains the records did not contain identifying information. However, an expert in US healthcare law told Assigned this doesn't appear to be the case.
FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Records to Chris Rufo — Dr. Eithan Haim has portrayed himself as a victim of politically motivated prosecution after he leaked private health data of children to a notorious culture war activist.
Last night I learned that the same Rebecca Black who made the song at 13 about how much she loves friday, complete with lyrics like "gotta get down to the bus stop bus stop" and "gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal" is now a glorious gay icon and my life is so much better for it.
Two days ago, someone shot through the windows of an organization in San Diego that offers aid to trans immigrants. This past week, several LGBTQ people were viciously assaulted by total strangers, landing them in the hospital. Last month saw a string of anti-trans homicides.
A flawless narrative review.
A few days ago, I put together this montage of trans family murdered in the past month, and today, even more are on my news feed. Our siblings, especially our Black trans sisters, are dying in record numbers, and it will only get so much worse this summer. This is where my heart is on memorial day.
Extremely well done and important radio journalism from 1A on Texas' war on trans youth and their families, including interviews directly with families most impacted. Please share widely.
1A Remaking America: Texas' ban on gender-affirming care, one year Families are still figuring out how to cope with their new reality.
This is a great explanation of the fundamental difference between exploration as part of normal therapy versus as part of a conversion process. When Spiliadis wrote his "gender exploratory model" paper, he dressed it up in the language of Narrative Therapy but completely inverted the positionality.
The simplest way of explaining the dishonesty of "exploratory therapy" is: who do you think is the "explorer" in question? A lot of well-intentioned people will assume it's the patient "exploring" possible gender options, when really it's the therapist "exploring" what might "cause" them being trans
Excellent long-form investigative journalism on conversion therapy and how "exploratory therapy" became a euphemism for anti-trans conversion therapy. It didn't start with gender.
First they tried to "cure" gayness. Now they're fixated on "healing" trans Inside the movement to resurrect conversion therapy.