
the very few of trump's sentences that actually meant anything coherent were full on monstrous hitler shit and nobody cares
once again the fact that the media (which actually follows the candidates closely enough to know and therefore be bored of their platforms, apparently even when they are hitler shit) covers the debates entirely on tone and presentation is a Big Problem
“This guy speaks in full, horrifying sentences under a spotlight Let’s give him some nukes” I’ve been raging all night against the New York Times so I agree with your diagnosis
Exactly, this is not fucking figure skating. You don't give extra points for artistic impression if in the technical part of it the skater appears on the rink with a live hand grenade which they promise to throw into the audience if they don't win. (+ apparently they don't award points for
artistic impression in figure skating anymore, as I found out right before I wrote this skeet. All the more reason for whoever covers a presidential election season not to, either.)
A problem not just re: the debates—almost the entirety of campaign coverage in the MSM fits that description; and a problem that’s been there for as long as I’ve been paying any attention to presidential campaigns, so 2000, *and* a problem that seems to always works out in the GOPs favor!