Brother Clippy

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Brother Clippy

The little guy constantly underfoot of the cool kids.
Idk why I’m doing this I don’t like feet.

Twitch: thefumblebee
I don’t do it for the follows or likes but the company is cool
Reposted byAvatar Brother Clippy
Have you ever heard the tale of Darth Mendoza the… umm… DJ from Jacksonville?
It’s a bad night. People did their best to make it a better night, and I love y’all. But sometimes it feels like everything is crumbling and me with it
Reposted byAvatar Brother Clippy
However Fox News (said with revulsion) also once forced Obama to deny he ate dogs
i want to go back to a world where politics isn't like this
And if you think I’m not furious at Biden for queuing everyone up this easily, I sure as shit am
I think everyone here knows: media outlets are not passive observers. When they harp on a note, it resonates throughout a society. And thus they’ve created a narrative
Been stressing a bit about the reveal of shitheads in our community and their subsequent fall. Gaiman is a fucking devastating blow
Running on a platform of I would eat a human who’s with me
Totally normal country
Being accepting of trans and non-conforming people here is one of the most basic tenets of the community. Look I’m trying to be better and nicer but if I see you break that trust I’ll either block you or bare my teeth
Some of the smartest people I know have no fucking clue. It’s really distressing to watch people I love and admire wander into this trap which I cannot stress this enough Is largely being set by the New York fucking Times
It’s wild to me how many people who scream about “manufactured consent” can’t manage to think through how they’re being played like a fiddle right now.
Reposted byAvatar Brother Clippy
It’s wild to me how many people who scream about “manufactured consent” can’t manage to think through how they’re being played like a fiddle right now.
Reposted byAvatar Brother Clippy
But have you considered that I really don’t like Biden and win or lose I’m more invested in “democrats bad and dumb they should remove Biden somehow I’m so smart” than stopping Trump?
It’s a rat fuck promoted by America’s most evil newspaper, and it sounds especially insane to me in light of how Trump is incredibly obviously incapable of stringing a coherent thought together.
Reposted byAvatar Brother Clippy
Yes. I will not try to talk you into voting, or not voting third party, because I know it’s largely pointless on the Internet, but I absolutely will not entertain that shit in my mentions.
I won’t take a run at others for these tales, but part of that contract is that anyone who takes a run at me for talking on my own about how Trump must be stopped catches a swift and decisive block
Yes, if I seem panicked, that’s accurate. A democracy with the two most powerful air forces in the world and 6000 nukes is teetering on the brink of fascism and the entire staff of the country’s most major newspaper is holding the last nail to the worlds coffin and a hammer
Reposted byAvatar Brother Clippy
listen I'm just a serious reporter doing seventy five consecutive stories expressing sudden and breathless concern about how only one of two old candidates for president are old
If he actually admitted to falling asleep on stage then we need a US Ranger shoving chicken soaked in habanero down his gullet
Biden should go on Hot Ones, tbh. idk if it'd help him. I just think he should do it.
You: Please act normal; you need these people to like you. Me: Ok! People: Hi. Me: Hi. I'm Lorna People: oh my god, like Lorna Shore?? Me: … do you want to see the rant I wrote on Bluesky dot app this morning about Megalodon conspiracy theories and somehow, weirdly, mosasaurs
You: Please act normal; you need these people to like you. Me: Ok! People: Hi. Me: Hi. I'm Lorna People: oh my god, like Lorna Shore?? Me: ...well you see, you know the xmen right? So you.... you know who Magneto is? Yeah of course well anyways, Magneto canonically has like 4 kids, one of th
Me, if I bug out, my plan has been Morocco for a very long time
It helps that my other side of the family has been hopping between continents for generations And by hopping I mean fleeing And by helps I mean really hurts
A cousins husband told me he wanted to move to the northern border of Vermont so he could flee in a heartbeat (I may be one of the three Jews in the blood relatives but this one married in) and I just went ooooooooh oh buddy, nah the move is to find a new continent
We already had a Civil War to settle things once and for all and militarily the north won, slavery was eventually abolished, but in terms of the countries political makeup don’t forget - the South won in that regard
If you think that we actually just need a civil war to settle this once and for all: 1. No, you don’t. 2. No, you don’t. 3. You are an idiot.
A fistfight on the floor of the DNC convention would seem a likely outcome, as well as a fascistic regime
If the candidate with the overwhelming majority of pledged delegates withdrew and released those delegates there’s no mechanism to automatically give it to someone else, there’d be a mad scramble to win over those delegates. Calling it a “mini-primary” is more polite than “absolute shitshow”
The One Where Everyone Is Sick Of Joey’s Shit
The One Where Everyone Is Sick Of Ross's Shit
I’ve said for 10 years that the reason I was committed to sticking here was that if America goes truly fascist, there is nowhere safe. We have 11 boats that alone could each, with little support, shut down the airspace of most given countries. We go fascist, it’s the worlds problem
this wasn’t the meeting I thought this was. I thought I was designing an experiment but I was being introduced one-on-one to obscure code. It’s fine I’ll read him into one of my projects in retaliat- I mean the friendly spirit of reciprocal cooperation
Reposted byAvatar Brother Clippy
Just saw a conspiracy theory about Seaworld having secret mososaurs and I don’t want to live on this planet anymore
Yes, there are many, many undiscovered organisms but there are certainly no undiscovered high energy predators the size of a city bus
This is somehow even more ridiculous conspiracy theory than the one that says the megalodons never went extinct
Just saw a conspiracy theory about Seaworld having secret mososaurs and I don’t want to live on this planet anymore