
ah, but by the Presidential Immunity Doctrine all charges should immediately be drop - wait, sorry, I'm getting news that this is happening in a state with a functional government nevermind, carry on
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
When Brazil is the one with the functional government... 🙄
Brazil has had multiple socialist democracies that we successfully couped to death so they are absolutely capable of a functional government unlike this raggedy country
Oh I'm well aware. My sister lived there on and off for years. Yet another country fucked up by our "better our brutal/incompetent dictator than the socialist's benign president" policies
I have a feeling they’ll achieve utopia before we do 😢
I have to say it is fucking bizarre to see South America become the bastion of "hold terrible political folks accountable" given America's full blown attempt to keep the continent in the dark ages via their CIA involvement.
Don’t worry, I’m sure SCOTUS will find a way to intervene
Well, now. Come on. A President *can* be convicted of crimes if they’re outside of his official duties. But you just can’t use anything done while he was President as evidence to prove it since it’s presumed to be official. See how fair the Roberts court is bing about this? /s
I do not think that Brazil's government is what I would call "functional"