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Old-time wargamer, and into all sorts of geekery.
Issue #52 (Mar-Apr 1972) of Panzerfaust magazine is now available in PDF on Wargame Vault! This was Don Greenwood's last issue, and includes a few words from him about being hired by Avalon Hill. #wargame #Campaign-magazine www.wargamevault.com/product/4871... www.rindis.com/fox-den/panz...
And now a look at FR9, one of the early geographical supplements for the Forgotten Realms: www.rindis.com/blog/8339
AD&D adventure collection part 3: Forgotten Realms shall absorb all All these were general non-setting specific projects; but got moved to the Realms later N4 was an interesting take on having 0-level characters 'grow' into regular classes. Bloodstone Pass was an adventure for use with BattleSystem.
AD&D adventure collection part 2: I is for Intermediate. The "I" series was TSR's best general adventures thanks to Ravenloft and Desert of Desolation. ( I14 is a complete skip on the other hand.) I had more, but this is currently surviving part.
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A squire rushed in to the great hall. "Someone," he shouted, "has taken the sword from the stone!" The assembled knights halted their dinner. "At last, a king?" "Who?" "I don't know," the squire said. "The sword is gone!" Elsewhere: "This," Indy muttered, "belongs in a museum. #MicroFiction
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I almost forgot to share this here but I received word the IND application for the HIV-1 bispecific antibody I have been working on with my team for quite some time now has received a “safe-to-proceed” from the FDA. This marks a huge milestone for us. Today is a good day. 🥹🧪
AD&D adventure collection part 1: super modules. All classics, but Desert of Desolation is the main one I care for; though parts of GDQ are really good.
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The history books say the revolution began at a Pride event. The princess royal gave a speech. "... no-one tell you who you can or can't love. I'm really excited to be here, since somewhere in the crowd is my girlfr-" "Let's have a great event!" the prime minister interrupted. #MicroFiction
And for my birthday, it is time to savor all the fun that's inside a box I got last month.
Just got in my preorder of Growing Light, the latest FFXIV soundtrack!
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3. If your business model involves violating copyright law on an unprecidented scale to destroy another industry with an inferior product just long enough for you to escape with bags of cash before lawmakers catch on — You’re not in business. You’re in organized crime.
On one hand, I'd like this to be the most negative review I write. On the other hand, I'd like to review the other two adventures in the trilogy. #AD&D #ForgottenRealms #FRE www.rindis.com/blog/8306
Issue #88 (Nov-Dec 1978) of Campaign magazine is now available in PDF on Wargame Vault! #Campaign-magazine #wargames #SquadLeader www.wargamevault.com/product/4825... www.rindis.com/fox-den/camp...
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My latest Guardian Books cartoon.
Had people over on Sunday for a game of Star Corp, and tried the Ventures expansion! Went well, and got second place. #GMT #StarCorp www.rindis.com/blog/8238
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if you were looking for the perfect eclipse post, lemme save you some time
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PSA: Please DO NOT look directly at the Oreos without a protective pair of Fig Newtons.
Patch was over last Saturday so we could use our personal leader counters! #MMP #ASL #TotR www.rindis.com/blog/8215
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To everyone in a similar scenario: the tactic my doctor's office has taught me is to ask, in writing, for: 1) the name, board specialty, and license number of the doctor making the determination the treatment was not medically necessary;
Recently finished the fifth and final volume of Jonathan Sumption's history of the Hundred Years War. A very good end to an excellent series. #reading #history #HYW #HenryVI #CharlesVII #JoanofArc www.rindis.com/blog/8203
Triumph and Illusion – Rindis.comwww.rindis.com
My way-behind reviews of the evolution of PDS games hits the second expansion for Stellaris. #Stellaris, #Paradox www.rindis.com/blog/8196
No Place Among the Stars – Rindis.comwww.rindis.com
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"I like my coffee like I like 85% of the mass in the universe: Dark and full of attractive indirect influence." I think I'm gonna need a bigger mug for that slogan...
Issue #85 (May-June 1978) of Campaign magazine is now available in PDF on Wargame Vault! #wargame #campaign-magazine www.wargamevault.com/product/4725... www.rindis.com/fox-den/camp...
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I get game sell sheets, from someone who spent a _lot of time_ running their game through an iterative development process with playtesting... And never asked "Why would a company that sells space combat and jet combat boardgames want a trick taking game about 1980s sex comedies?"
My latest game with Patch was a tragedy of errors and mismanagement. In my defense, I'm not used to Jindarians or planet-side bases. But neither is he. #SFB www.rindis.com/blog/8173
The latest game purchase has arrived. A new main-line module for ASL - Twilight of the Reich. And now I and my regular opponent Patch have been immortalized with leader counters. #ASL #MMP
Issue #84 (March-April 1978) of Campaign magazine is now available in PDF on Wargame Vault! #wargame #campaign-magazine. www.wargamevault.com/product/4690... www.rindis.com/fox-den/camp...
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🧪 Hey Science communicators! There's a genre of gaming book that makes a statistical model of stellar populations and gives you random tables to roll on to make full on star systems. I'm publishing the first one done since the exoplanets boom! You can pre-order it here!
Architect of Worlds: Comprehensive Rules for Worldbuilding — Ad Astra Gameswww.adastragames.com Ad Astra Games produces games – science fiction, air combat, and even little RPGs. Many of our games, following from Attack Vector: Tactical through Birds of Prey and Squadron Strike, use 3D movemen...