
The dude who tried telling me exactly why I hate Kyle Rittenhouse is Cooked.
my brain insists on catching the dumbest details and 'three perfect shots... forever boxed... two and a half' does not compute
Just a bunch of 2nd amendment boneheaded idiots who will do anything to protect their guns and shooting them.
that statement 3x perfect shots = 2.5y forever boxed just begs so many questions about details to make it internally consistent it's like a sore spot in your mouth that would heal if you'd stop poking it with your tongue
HOW DO YOU FOREVER BOX HALF A GUY WITH ONE BULLET no i don't want a play by play of who he shot that night i want an apology for bad math. fucking infuriating that people take shit like that seriously.
Yeah I thought the entire thing was written for the reason to “own the libs” and nothing more. Nothing but a bunch of hateful monsters on the other side.
i try not to think like that because i'd like them to be humans that could understand my viewpoint but sharing a gene pool does not apparently inherently mean sharing values and impulses
This is really important. I understand the impulse to dehumanize awful people, but...that not only distances us from the problem, it opens the floor to debating anyone's humanity.
Well unfortunately I witness the vile behavior on X so it is certainly The MAGA way. I don’t feel the same as the Non-Trump Republicans. I can definitely get along with most but not MAGA anymore. They take it too far.
He put half a person in a coffin? That's worse than I thought.
or he put a whole person in a coffin half permanently but that makes even less sense
He is referring to the 3rd person who didn’t die but is still messed up from the shot destroying his arm
for a guy who's allegedly obsessed with kyle i did not know that. huh. learn something new and terrible every day.
lol he obviously is referring to the kid Kyle shot last who didn’t die. But he was really messed up good. I believe nearly his whole arm was destroyed by the shot.
This guy responded to my reply to the meme. So I responded back and it’s been quiet since.